submitted 11 months ago by gsa32@lemmy.world to c/reddit@lemmy.world
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[-] ButtHertz@lemmy.world 121 points 11 months ago

You can always tell when a community is going downhill when they say they're "empowering users" with their latest changes. They're never actually empowering anyone but the shareholders to make more money.

[-] redballooon@lemm.ee 9 points 11 months ago

Although they're just taking an existing feature away here. Not sure how that'll create more money.

[-] another_lemming@lemmy.world 4 points 11 months ago

TL;DR: I'm no fortune-teller but I feel like they want to change how we perceive and consume Reddit posts: to kill ways of engagement and make you just scroll feed.

I bet they'd add new subscription-based service, something musk-esque, that would promote you to the top of the feed or comment section. In new Reddit there are like a dozen of top comments visible before you tap to show more items. They'd probably be mostly from paid users. Also, no ability to visibly promote others' posts – it's bad for PR when something bad gets gold, like advertisements for Lemmy. And, in general, Reddit should (in their vision, imho) be like tiktok, where you just scroll through a queue of curated content – staying in comment section for too long or showing your opinion (with up\downvotes or gold a.k.a superupdoot) is wasting your time while you could as well watch some ads. In this case, killing comments and any kind of active and natural reaction is obvious. As a bonus, there'd be more advertisers, as critique of them won't get viral and their post won't get downvoted into hell. Oh, and if their board of managers won't get booted, downvote button and post stats would be cut next.

[-] redballooon@lemm.ee 3 points 11 months ago

The fact that this even sounds plausible is stunning.

[-] another_lemming@lemmy.world 1 points 11 months ago

I love the fact it is stunning for you. It's heartwarming to know just some of us, including you, arem't used to the worst possible outcome 😅

[-] ButtHertz@lemmy.world 3 points 11 months ago

I guarantee there are spreadsheets and roadmaps and OKRs with a plan that ultimately leads to them making more money. Maybe it’s increased engagement leading to more ad revenue. Maybe it’s a replacement with other micro transactions. Whatever it is, it starts with removing rewards and the end goal is shareholder profits.

[-] redballooon@lemm.ee 3 points 11 months ago

I’m myself in meetings where OKRs and spreadsheets are created. Just because an idea makes it through such a meeting doesn’t mean it’s a valid one.

[-] ButtHertz@lemmy.world 1 points 11 months ago

Absolutely, but the goal remains the same. They're spinning their wheels looking for a way to generate revenue.

[-] MinusPi@pawb.social 9 points 11 months ago

Empowering users to give us money

[-] Alwaysfallingupyup@lemmy.world 6 points 11 months ago

THIS. exactly this!!

this post was submitted on 13 Jul 2023
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