I've had an Ender 3 v2 for a few years now and have had mostly no issues. I've upgraded the hot end to a microswiss direct drive and a dual z setup (twin z steppers on a shared cable).
Recently started having issues with the 4.2.2 board and replaced it with a BTT mini SKR 3 v3.
Since I've put the new board in, I am having troubles getting the bed to level and stay level.
The height profile of the bed is now showing a dip in the centre (which was not there before). When I run a print it seems to be overcompensating for the dip. If I level the bed with the corner screws and don't use the bed mesh then it prints fairly good, but after a few prints the bed goes out of level again.
I can't seem to make any adjustments that help the issue. Yesterday tightened up all the screws (silicon spacers instead of springs). Releveled the bed and had a small dip in the middle and an overall height difference of 0.170 across the bed (normal prior to this was 0.310). Sent a print with bed mesh and mostly came out good.
Went to fire up a new print today and the bed height is showing 0.830 overall difference.
I'm not sure if it is a BL touch issue (the BL touch is a v3.1 and is original with a single 5 wire connector plugged into mini SKR) dual z issue (disconnected 1 in an attempt to level and didn't see much difference, the BTT has two connectors for dual z but run off one stepper driver as I understand it, I am using the y cable for only one stepper motor, while the other motor has its own cable).
I use klipper with a RPi zero 2 w.
I just can't seem to figure out that has been causing the issue since the board swap.
Anyone have some ideas as where to point me?
I took everyone's advice and tried all the suggestions. In the end I completely disassembled the printer and made sure everything was square or perpendicular where it needed to be. I think maybe the dual z screws were binding, although when I took everything apart I noticed that I did not use the Y cable for both z steppers, I ran the original short cable to one motor and
the Y to another, not sure if that had any effect or not, but now the Y cable is running both z steppers.
It does seem to be better, but I still have the dip in the bed, which is still a bit of an issue for the BL Touch, but not nearly as bad as before. I may have slightly bowed it when trying to crank down the levelling wheels.
I think that the z screws were binding just enough that it couldn't keep up with the micro adjustments, I guess time will tell.
Thanks for everyone's input and advice, hopefully it'll run for a couple more years. If not then a replacement Bamboo might be in order.
Now I just need my resin printers to stop failing prints, but I think that's more me than the printers. lol
Thanks everyone.