[-] j4k3@lemmy.world 1 points 5 hours ago

I spent all day stockpiling, building a soldering iron, and messing around with the Evac, first building area. I've figured out some of the tech tree and made my second character freeform and much stronger across the board. I have a barricade mentality for now. I haven't checked out what anyone else has done, but fixated on barricading the basement of that first house and trying to add solar lighting. I dispatched the two zombies at the house to the south with all the cars and cooking supplies, but haven't ventured beyond. Maybe I'll check out the helipad and bride soon.

[-] j4k3@lemmy.world 7 points 17 hours ago

Science fiction is primarily a form of social critique and commentary, according to the Titan, Professor Isaac Asimov.

Coming from a childhood raised in the deeply conservative Southeastern USA, SW felt like a validation of belief in religious magic, patriarchal paternalism, and accessible exceptionalism from hard work.

Before the information age, these ideas were far less clearly false. Now I see the parallel in religion as a toxic dead mythos, misogyny in western culture, and propaganda of a feudal death of democracy.

While I long for the nostalgia of the past, shinning a more modern perspective on that past reveals hideous flaws. The framework is dead to me, but admitting such a reality to myself is to give up a part of my childhood.

[-] j4k3@lemmy.world 11 points 1 day ago

The back window of a Jeep Grand Cherokee.

[-] j4k3@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago

I just spent all afternoon and evening trying to figure out Cataclysm CDDA. After not doing anything meaningful for hours, I drove a car into a lake and was mediately attacked by a couple of rodents and died with a kill to death ratio of 1:0. Thanks.

It was nothing like what I asked for, but exactly what I needed to push me back into a FreeCAD project tomorrow.

[-] j4k3@lemmy.world 16 points 1 day ago

As an American, this is still crap. Assange is a hero as is Snowden and others that had the moral backbone to stand up to the post 9/11 monster insistent on proving bin Laden won against any remaining visage of freedom and democracy in the USA. We live in his dystopian dream of crumbling failure now, and insist on persecuting those that show how and what we lost.

[-] j4k3@lemmy.world 5 points 1 day ago

I have a feeling we'll need to cite this often.

[-] j4k3@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

If a curious desire for awareness of the the details that surround me is somehow offensive or off putting I apologize. I find it is a catalyst for learning and contextualizing information in several areas of personal interest and plugs some holes in my ignorance.

[-] j4k3@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago

Looking for a CS/CoD level experience. Steam might be okay, but I haven't tried it and am skeptical of anything marketing oriented. I really don't want to see ads or hype of any kind. I'd much rather ask around and go in search of my options when I feel compelled. In other words, I'm aware of my susceptibility to suggestive marketing and am not okay with others manipulating me through that mechanism so I avoid it all together. I will not enter the space at all unless those terms can be met.

I was just skimming a fedora mag post on gaming and it mentions that Steam packages Proton but there are community maintained versions with more advanced features than are possible on the Steam Deck; the most popular being Proton Glorious Eggroll.

Xonotic was one I played some. It has a different hectic vibe that is not really in that CS/CoD space I liked though. I like to feel like I have a measure of control and not in a situation where reckless speed has an advantage.


I'm old-naughties internet café crew from around the era of the original Counter Strike through CoD MWF3 and Battlefield 2042. I wouldn't mind reliving the nostalgia of that era, and have more than enough machine to do it now. I have zero tolerance for micro transactions, gatekeeping, or software as a service business models. I have little interest in Steam as anything more than a single banking transaction, and I will only connect to something online that is documented and strait forward when it comes to multiplayer networking stuff.

My networking is about like a locked down corporate connection. I can play something like 0 A.D. that has a few required and documented connections needed for multiplayer, but won't connect to discord when it requires around a dozen raw IP addresses on random ports with no documentation.

Do any of you know of games that fit those requirements and are worth spending money on?

::: spoiler I probably seem annoyingly specific...

...or even paranoid, but I've both downloaded a PDF in the past that wrecked a machine with malware from a 3rd party datasheet on vintage computing hardware, and I find that isolating myself from ads and data mining at this level is best for my mental health with isolation from disability; i.e. it is not just arbitrary pedantism in my mind.

I ask because the casual camaraderie could be good for me while pressure to be a consumer at the expense of my family is harmful. Plus I view subscriptions for anything like software as a criminal skimming scam I am not interested in at all. Hopefully you can understand the specificity, and slight excentricity, even if it seems silly at first. I'm not judging anyone for their practices, trying to make a statement about my standards by comparison, or expect anyone to adopt my practices. I don't think like that at all. I'm curious, exploring what I've assumed is not possible for me, and stating the needed info only. I'm also on Fedora WS, with the NVDK kernel module, and can't change my UEFI secure boot keys in the OEM bootloader, so I can't alter kernel space unless I figure out Keytool to boot into UEFI directly.

[-] j4k3@lemmy.world 31 points 1 day ago

::: spoiler Jagged tiny metal saw causes walls to open baffling Facebook users.

[-] j4k3@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I am not interested in actively engaging and promoting, but if someone is needed on the .world side to ensure they see mod messages and respond, you can put me down like a passive background mod. I'll take care of anything I see flagged if it comes up.


I've encountered this many times where I simply don't understand the context and use of an API based of the API documentation unless I can find an example that already utilizes it in a working project. The first thing that comes to mind is Py Torch. I've tried to figure out how some API features work, or what they are doing in model loader code related to checkpoint caching but failed to contextualize. What harebrain details are obviously missing from someone who asks such a silly question?

[-] j4k3@lemmy.world 11 points 2 days ago

Especially considering attorneys will steal more than half of that amount.

[-] j4k3@lemmy.world 126 points 2 days ago

Funny. This will always work with a LLM. Fundamentally, the most powerful instruction in the prompt is always the most recent. It must be that way or the model would go off on tangents. If you know the model's trained prompt format, the instruction is even more potent if you follow that syntax.

That said, the text of the meme is absolute garbage. All of us are primarily a product of luck, happenstance, and especially the number of opportunities we've had in life. Your opportunities in life are absolutely dependent on your wealth. Those hoarding wealth are stealing opportunity from everyone.

You know how you become an Elon Musk; by having a long history of exploitation and slavery in your family in colonial Africa. You know how you become a Bill Gates. Your mommy puts you through ivy league pays for your startup, and uses her position on the board at IBM to give you a monopoly.

submitted 4 days ago by j4k3@lemmy.world to c/freecad@lemmy.ml

I got sent a bunch of lenses that are too small for the old frames I have. I thought it might be fun to try 3d printing my own frame arms out of ABS.

Modeling a lens is a bit challenging, or I'm just a bit rusty with freecad. I need a way to wrap/unwrap/flatten the curve to create the contours. For my purpose here I can get away with a rough lens shape that is simply mirrored and lacks some of the complex curves. It just bugs me when I can't model it properly...

The lens is not uniform thickness. The center is 1.8mm thick while the edges where the arms mount are 1.4mm. I want to try and make a nose piece because this is the one part that fails on these cheap glasses.

Anyways, sharing just because I can.

submitted 4 days ago by j4k3@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

I know it is not a post process thing. Is it stuff applied to the mold or stuff inside the plastic itself? I mean things like buttons, toys, phone parts before the back glass phase; things that are super thin with a finished surface that is durable and bonded to the part.

submitted 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) by j4k3@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

I had a 1971 Toyota FJ40, and built a 1992 supercharged Camaro with a mini blower. Those were my coolest, but also a couple Fiero's, a Z32, and an E30.

...also the guy that rode a bicycle everywhere '09-'14 got hit 7 times, with the last one disabling me. So don't get too bent over car stuff. I've put in over 170k miles on a bicycle since '09.

submitted 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) by j4k3@lemmy.world to c/coolguides@lemmy.ca


This was a screenshot I took months ago while watching a Geology Hub upload on YT. It was a lightbulb moment for my understanding of mass extinction events, (the largest was 250ma). I've referenced this multiple times, so thought I might share. Perhaps you find it as interesting as I do.

submitted 1 week ago by j4k3@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by j4k3@lemmy.world to c/imageai@sh.itjust.works

The ComfyUI prompt and workflow is attached to the image: https://files.catbox.moe/s3qufb.png

You can't copy pasta this prompt. There are a few nodes that are specific to SD3 and required.

::: spoiler EDIT: more proof of the chain that lead to this image. They were not all this good. I'm cherry picking for sure and these are just webp's without workflows attached:

I'll Pug you up! (files.catbox.moe)

Prompt was through ComfyUI, so it is embedded in the image: https://files.catbox.moe/aiy8p1.png

It was supposed to be a pug kangaroo hybrid but the AI apparently wanted to throw in some monkey too.

submitted 1 week ago by j4k3@lemmy.world to c/cat@lemmy.world

Spots have turned to stripes on the bottom half of this one.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by j4k3@lemmy.world to c/linux@lemmy.ml

I want to extract and process the metadata from PNG images and the first line of .safetensors files for LLM's and LoRA's. I could spend ages farting around with sed or awk but formats of files are constantly changing. I'd like a faster way to see a summary of training and a few other details when they are available.

catholic school uniform (image.civitai.com)
submitted 2 weeks ago by j4k3@lemmy.world to c/imageai@sh.itjust.works

Felt sexy, needed to share. Not my gen, just one from a NSFW LoRA posted on civitai.


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