I've been training my crush grip strength for approx. four months now. After purchasing my first inexpensive adjustable hand gripper I couldn't even close its maximum setting of 60 kg/~132 lb. Fortunately, a couple months ago I saw great improvement and 60 kg is a walk in the park now.
Then I decided to purchase three grippers similar to the CoC grippers:
- 68 kg/~150 lb (similar to CoC no. 1)
- 90 kg/~200 lb (similar to CoC no. 2)
- 112 kg/~250 lb (sort of bridge between CoC no. 2.5 and 3)
Obviously, I am unable to close the last one. Though I can close the 90 kg. Thing is, I feel like I've hit a plateau. Progress has been tremendously slow and some days I can't even close the 90 kg. I'd love it if I could close the 112 kg this year. Just unsure what it takes to get there.
Also, online I saw that the avg. male grip strength my age is 45.36 kg/100 lb. That'd mean my grip strength is above avg. Still, I cannot help but think that 90 kg is pretty mid. I want to improve, but I don't know how.
Does anyone have experience in how to see the best results? How to move away from the 90 kg and get to the goal of 112 kg?
TLDR; Been training crush grip strength for four months. Saw great progress first couple of months, but have now plateaued at 90 kg/~200 lb. Want to close a 112 kg/~250 lb this year but not sure how and whether that's even realistic.
One thing you have to keep in mind is that those hand trainers aren't super representative of the actual force being used. I would just reference them as low/medium/high.
To get a real number you'd need a hand grip dynanometer.
Thank you! I was thinking of buying a dynanometer. I'd have to go for an inexpensive one on Amazon. A professional dynanometer would cost me a rib cage.
Yeah, I just happened to acquire a professional one when the previous renter left a bunch of stuff in a shef (she worked in PT, told landlord she didn't want any of it).
It's been fun to play around with every few months.
Check whether your local gym keeps one in reserve