And instead changing the time work and other things happens depending on where you are. Would be easier to arrange meetings across the globe. Same thing applies to summertime. You may start work earlier if you want, but dont change the clocks!

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[-] HatchetHaro@lemmy.blahaj.zone 33 points 4 months ago

It's a cool idea, but then you lose the local representation of the daylight cycle, which just complicates things again as you try to schedule things with people in other countries without knowing if it's their bedtime or not.

I play games with international friends and work with international colleagues, so I have my fair share of troubles with time zones. If anything, abolishing daylight savings worldwide would yield much better results.

On a side note, when scheduling events on Discord, I like to add in a unix timestamp that shows everybody their local time. Quite convenient!

[-] knightly@pawb.social 1 points 4 months ago

It's a cool idea, but then you lose the local representation of the daylight cycle

We already lost that with our 1-hour time zones and daylight savings. Clock time is no longer bound to solar time, and I think we're overdue for the retirement of local time.

Managing geographically-dispersed schedules on a single unified time standard isn't any more complicated than trying to remember everyone's time zones already is, and would likely reduce confusion overall since unlabeled timestamps would no longer be ambiguous.

If some manager wants to shift their workers' schedule to account for seasonal light availability? Then just fucking do that and don't make everyone have to run around manually updating all the clocks.

[-] HatchetHaro@lemmy.blahaj.zone 5 points 4 months ago

True, but time zones offer a good compromise between solar time and globally-synchronized time.

Having 12pm noon be approximately when the sun is highest in the sky is better than not at all, and still gives some form of regional cohesion in terms of timekeeping.

There are pretty extreme examples, of course; China is one entire UTC+8 time zone, and that means Tibet is still dark when Shanghai is wide awake, which is dumb, and as annoying as the US's 4 time zones is (not counting Alaska and Hawaii), it still makes regional sense.

Fuck daylight savings time.

this post was submitted on 15 Feb 2024
95 points (75.7% liked)

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