submitted 4 months ago by avidamoeba@lemmy.ca to c/android@lemmy.world

I can't believe some of the points Linus made against the Fairphone, especially given he's onboard with the same compromises for the Framework laptop. 🤭

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[-] A_Random_Idiot@lemmy.world 15 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

I'm an absolute mouth breathing imbecile, with no IT/SysAdmin/Otherwise technical background or knowledge outside of what I gained by just being a typical windows user.

I cold turkey switched to linux with relatively few issues with nothing but a weekend of sporadic research done beforehand. Learning curve for everyday shit hasnt been that deep or curvy.

Its not 1997. Linux is not that hard to use, even for gaming. Especially with some modern distros built specifically for the task (like Nobara)

No, its not for everyone, but its not this incomprehensibly obtuse and mystical monstrosity that people try to constantly paint it as, 30 years ago maybe, but not anymore. as long as you can follow basic instructions and have a modicum of common sense (Which is asking a lot from the average person, I know..)

[-] AdrianTheFrog@lemmy.world 2 points 4 months ago

Most people are not interested in tech. To them, doing any amount of research about computers will be a chore and something they will try to avoid. They don't care about the linux philosophy, or open source, and just want a computer that works for them as quickly as possible. So naturally they use Mac or Windows like all of their friends.

[-] A_Random_Idiot@lemmy.world 2 points 4 months ago

I dont give a shit about my OS.

I didnt switch cause I saw the blessed light of open source software or anything like that.

I switched cause I fucking hated Windows 10, and absolutely fucking loathe windows 11 and the direction they are taking their operating systems. and my choice was to take Windows 10/11, or to go Linux... and I went Linux.

So you can say I switched under duress

[-] AdrianTheFrog@lemmy.world 1 points 4 months ago

Most people don't care about their operating system enough to switch.

[-] A_Random_Idiot@lemmy.world 1 points 4 months ago

They don't care about their OS until something happens that makes them care. *

this post was submitted on 23 Feb 2024
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