submitted 11 months ago by sma3in@lemmy.world to c/android@lemmy.world
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[-] ffolkes@fanexus.com 39 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

It's live for me. It appears that the paid version, "Sync Ultra", requires a $2/month subscription, or $17/year. Seeing as lemmy APIs are free, I am confused why this is so expensive? o_0

[-] quinten@lemmy.world 27 points 11 months ago

To show some support!

I mean, we're already browsing ad free on here and many developers are making their apps in their free time. I get that this are expensive times, but if no-one would subscribe to such apps. There would be much less developers.

[-] Izzy@lemmy.world 17 points 11 months ago

So how would you feel about Lemmy instance hosters adding ads, harvesting user data to sell to third partiess, making paid subscription models to remove said ads they added and then charging for API access?

[-] quinten@lemmy.world 15 points 11 months ago

We spoke about it with Ruud on Discord actually. He's fine with it. Most people understand that nothing comes for free.

Actually, it is even a nice gesture from the developer. The ones who cannot afford it can still use the app, without paying for it.

[-] Izzy@lemmy.world 6 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I'm not suggesting that they should or even can be forced to change or that lemmy.world admins actually do anything differently.

It's also not about the cost or not being able to afford it. It is about principles and and the ad driven business model being antithetical to the goals of Lemmy. Being federated is one thing, but it is also about moving away from ads. I am fully in support of nearly any monetization of software other than ads and selling user data.

Personally I just can't understand the person who would agree that Reddit was being egregiously corporate minded and greedy to the point that they move to Lemmy and then be ok with adding ads were there previously were none. I'm definitely not going to be using it and I don't even care that much despite my comments here if other people do. I just want to make this point known. I don't want Lemmy to become Reddit all over again and I felt there was a bit of an honor system in place to not do things like that and it has already been broken.

Another point of contention with ads is that everyone is generating the content for free that Sync is injecting ads next to. I don't want to help them make money off of something I do as a hobby even if it is only pennies. This is one of the main reasons I won't use Reddit and have been favor of the federated internet.

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