this post was submitted on 22 Aug 2020
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This week I was posting something about post World War 2 and how multiple imperialist powers gave up their overseas holdings, and I very nearly typed about how all of these countries just voluntarily did it. But I was posting about France and Algeria, so I knew that couldn't be true, so I looked up the process of decolonization and of course I had basically just about regurgitated some weak ass History Channel noble white folk nonsense about how the magnanimous West just let Asia and Africa roam free after WW2.

What stupid shit have you caught yourself doing or saying recently?

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[–] 3 points 4 years ago (8 children)

I do self-criticism constantly because I’m trapped in a Maoist cult where comrades (white terrorists) criticize me mercilessly for having a fascist credit card (VISA Silver Signature Rewards)

They won’t let me order vegan pizza anymore because the phone is fascist and “summoning my pizza slaves with a bourgeois app” is “bad vibes”

[–] 1 points 4 years ago* (last edited 4 years ago) (1 children)

You joke but there is a literal “Maoist” cult in my city, they came in and beat up an old man at the dsa

They also had to have the police help them put the safety on their guns at a demonstration once lmao

[–] 1 points 4 years ago

Maybe that nice old man who was a dang war hero from the DSA actually struck one of the female Maoists first and then got his ass handed to him.

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