This bit is evergreen

[-] 54 points 10 hours ago

I'm seeing a lot of this 25th amendment talk and everything, but couldn't Dems just pull their Biden as their nomination? The DNC was able to fuck Bernie six ways from sunday, shouldn't they just be able to say, "actually, we're not going with Biden, we choose this other fuckin guy?" or is it just somehow too late for that?

[-] 48 points 11 hours ago

pretty sure he's doing a bit

[-] 0 points 13 hours ago

so in 20 years when its released, we'll have a lukewarm statement on homelessness being "not nice" in a videogame marketed by sexualized trans bodies. awesome, thanks bros

i posted "death to isreal" and got the same thing.

Meanwhile, numerous subs dedicated to incredibly graphic ukraine drone warfare videos, celebrating death to "orcs" is cool.

[-] 47 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

imo, both dems and reps are ignoring it because they know if they call out the other guy, they can't ignore their own. its like a gentleman's agreement to ignore senility.


Couldn't have happened to a better guy.


Couldn't have happened to a better guy.

[-] 46 points 1 month ago

The sanctions could be similar to those imposed by the Trump administration on

But Biden is totally different, guys


I dont want to get too high on copium but is this the fall of Isreal and the West I've been hearing so much about?


Its very pretty but these games suck. Boring narrative, watered down by needless open world shit, uninspired crafting, platforming that is straight up not good, and why the FUCK is everything so hard to see? Its gorgeous, but its sensory overload. There are so many effects and splashes of color they forgot to make the game fuckin readable.

[-] 77 points 2 months ago

I just kind of assumed they already did this

[-] 54 points 2 months ago

Hard to tell how popular the government is if you get jailed for voicing disagreement now isn't it?

good thing that doesn't happen then, huh?

[-] 44 points 3 months ago

Oh great, everything working as intended then

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Half-Life 3 announced. America collapses before its released in 2031

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