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[-] blanketswithsmallpox@lemmy.world -1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Lower than average and above parenting doesn't matter nearly as much as people think it does. We are learning year after year that nature is much stronger than nurture.


I'm even linking a version where the person bashes the concept but constantly cites things that go against their argument lol.

I will link my usual nature vs nurture citation too if needed. My profile should have it for the lazy though.


tl;dr: Separated identical twin studies have shown over and over that so much of who you are, the small quirks, the larger life goals, all of it is something that you will be naturally inclined to. Being raised healthily only serves to dampen or enhance much of what's already there.


Mass murder, a careless disregard for human life and liberty, inflicting pain both emotional and physical onto others. Most of these are essentially switches some people simply aren't born with. People can learn or mask all they want, it doesn't mean you're not playing with a shit hand.

All people are not created equal. Many people have a significant harder time going through life because they rolled snake eyes on the genetic lottery. Our robust mountain of scientific evidence and understanding of the human brain points to nearly all of it being rooted in Scumbag Brain / Body.



General Heritability of both IQ, Beauty, mental disorders:






Aggression specifically:




Brain structure determining who you are studies:



Nurture doesn't matter as much as nature:

Helicopter or hands-off parenting? The choice won't impact a kid as much as you think



this post was submitted on 16 May 2024
731 points (99.1% liked)

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