this post was submitted on 24 May 2024
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founded 4 years ago

Happy pan visibility day! πŸ©·πŸ’›πŸ©΅

Due to some queer accounts on Instagram posting about celebrations of today, I had to get reminded that there are still some awful queer people focusing on discourse about that "bi vs. pan" shit.

There is a tendency for battle-axe bisexuals to state that "bisexual and pansexual mean the exact same thing" with the intent of equating the two because they want to invalidate anyone who identifies as pansexual instead of just identifying as bisexual, but I realized something... this is actually biphobic as hell, not bi-affirming like they think!

Of course, sexual orientation labels are neologisms for a person's own comfort, so being linguistically prescriptivist about them at all is absolute nonsense that anyone who perpetuates this "bi vs. pan" shit doesn't understand.

However, to illustrate my point coherently, a common definition of "pansexual" is a sexual orientation which entails not regarding gender in your attraction. If a battle-axe bisexual asserts something like "Well, bisexuality means not regarding gender too!", then they are literally invalidating every fucking bisexual person that regards gender in their attraction (and there are tons of those). There are many bisexual people who will explicitly say that they regard gender.

To grasp at straws so hard to invalidate people who identify as pansexual that you'll shit out a misconceived biphobic myth that invalidates numerous bisexual people is basically saying "being indirectly biphobic to own the goofy MOGAI pans."

I identify as both bisexual and pansexual simultaneously, so every time this kind of discourse comes up, especially when people have the intent to put bisexuality and pansexuality as "at war" with each other makes me double facepalm.

No one should invalidate anyone's identity. No one should invalidate their own personal interpretation of it. Pansexual people should respect how bisexual people identify themselves. Bisexual people should respect how pansexual people identify themselves. Everyone should just respect other people's labels PERIOD!

Bottom line is that the LGBTQ+ community needs to get over label discourse and policing entirely. You'd think "respect people in how they personally identify" wouldn't be a controversial take for queer people BUT... here we are.

hexbear-pan hexbear-bi-2 Love all of my m-spec buddies, BTW!

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[–] 9 points 4 months ago (1 children)

To give an example of what regarding gender as a bisexual person may manifest as, it can literally be as simple as something like "I prefer my men tall and my women short." The difference is that, although into multiple genders, bisexual people who regard gender can have different manifestations of how they specifically find men attractive and how they specifically find women attractive. A pansexual person might not have this mentality, and if they were to convey a similar sentiment, they might say something like, "I like my masculine partners tall, and I like my feminine partners short." Notice how there's no emphasis on gender here, and not all bisexual people can relate to that kind of mentality, and that's okay!

The thing is that labels are personal, and it's up to the individual to describe for themselves how they interpret a label and its definitions. Some people literally pick whether they're bi or pan based on flag alone, and that, once again, is totally valid.

I identify as both, and I see bisexuality and pansexuality a part of the same multisexual umbrella. Although I generally say "pansexual" as a single term if someone asks how I label my sexual orientation, I definitely wouldn't hesitate to respond to a question that says something like, "Bisexual people, how did you explain bisexuality to your family?" to give an example.

Either way, we are in the same community. The oppressive structures that promote the notion that it's only acceptable to find one gender attractive don't care if you regard gender or not, but the infighting is still all pointless!

[–] 2 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

The last one is a good point. We're all "gays" to them regardless.

I guess I'm not quite sure where exactly I fit in the multisexual spectrum.

I'm not saying anything of substance here I just thought an effort post deserved some kind of reply rat-salute-2