submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by MrOzwaldMan@lemmy.ml to c/programming@programming.dev

Title before edit: I hate programming, why did i choose this field

TL;DR: Stupid mistake, made by hours waste.

Basically, I was extracting date from the SQL db, and it was not displaying. I tried everything, heck I even went to chatgpt, and copilot. Two and half hours of trying every single thing under the sun, you know what was the issue?

SELECT task, status, id FROM mainWorkSpace WHERE user_id = @user_id

I FUCKING FORGOT TO ADD 'date' TO THE DAMN QUERY. TWO AND HALF HOURS. I was like, "Ain't no way." as I scrolled up to the query and there it was, a slap in the face, and you know what was the fix?

SELECT task, status, date, id FROM mainWorkSpace WHERE user_id = @user_id

Moral of the story, don't become a programmer, become a professional cat herder instead.

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[-] Redacted@lemmy.world -2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Ah yes here you are successfully ignoring it.

Might not be encouraging it but you seem to be defending it.

[-] ArbiterXero@lemmy.world 0 points 2 weeks ago

I ignored OP’s statements, not yours.

You’ll find I replied to you and not them, but I appreciate your condescension in the midst of being wrong.

Ranting about problem you had and being dramatic about it? No problem, I get it. I’m here to be supportive of your struggles. I’ll absolutely defend someone that is being dramatic over their own mistakes, we’re all our own biggest critics. Beyond that, I’ll ignore it and let them get through their own emotions.

Feeling the need to judge someone over it? Yeah, YTA here and you’ll find that coworkers don’t like you for it. It’s unpleasant, and unnecessary.

Do you enjoy it when people point out your faults and say “maybe the tech world isn’t for you?”

…… but you’re not going to see it that way at all. You’ll create some meaningless “but it’s different” argument because you feel the need to defend your actions rather than reflect on them.

Have a nice day, I’m done.

[-] Redacted@lemmy.world 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Wow ok chill.

The title of this post was "I hate programming, why did I choose this field".

I responded suggesting maybe OP isn't suited to SQL in particular. There are plenty of other languages to learn that they might pick up quicker if they are struggling with SELECTs.

[-] ArbiterXero@lemmy.world -1 points 2 weeks ago

Yeah, being called out and unnecessarily put to task is unpleasant, isn’t it?

The irony is spectacular.

Have a nice day.

[-] Redacted@lemmy.world -1 points 2 weeks ago

Completely put to task, yep really got me there. I will never see the world in the same way again.

Also, I don't think you understand what irony means.

You too.

[-] ArbiterXero@lemmy.world -1 points 2 weeks ago

Nice edit, this wasn’t the original message lol.

You were unnecessarily rude and you know it.

[-] Redacted@lemmy.world 3 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

My original message was "Wow ok chill." then elaborated to clarify.

Where I'm from people are way ruder than anything I said here so perhaps I misjudged the room. However, calling it out seems to have had the desired response as since posting OP went and apologised for his anger.

I in turn apologise for my rudeness to them.

this post was submitted on 11 Jun 2024
133 points (82.4% liked)


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