[-] ArbiterXero@lemmy.world 0 points 20 hours ago

Well I give them credit for trying to be transparent with the server code (they made a press release about it just recently), but I worry that you may be right.

It could be the same shit.

I’d like to believe that Apple recognizes the value in privacy, given they’re making it a central part of their brand, and I know it’s been a big part of their tech up until now…..

But I’m also aware that they’re beholden to the same cash that corrupts everyone else.

Time will tell.

[-] ArbiterXero@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago

Sooo that could be things like “address” fields on websites, which is mildly creepy, but not “screenshot every 30 seconds” creepy, but it’s certainly vague enough to make me feel uneasy.

[-] ArbiterXero@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago

Do you have sources on this?

I haven’t seen any suggestion that Apple’s intelligence is recording what you do beyond when you call for it…

[-] ArbiterXero@lemmy.world 13 points 2 days ago

Going from “sim “ to “voip” means that your cell phone will only ever work when it’s on wifi. The reliability will drop significantly Your ability to get maps and things while on the road, in fact you won’t be able to receive or make phone calls/texts/anything while travelling at all (by bus, car or bike)

… just fyi

[-] ArbiterXero@lemmy.world 304 points 5 days ago

I dunno, I feel like this could have been solved with a pizza party and T-shirts for less money


[-] ArbiterXero@lemmy.world 27 points 5 days ago

Until the waves are 100x the bubble lol

[-] ArbiterXero@lemmy.world 3 points 5 days ago

Oh I’m not encouraging it, personally I just ignore the rants like that….

But at the same time, I can identify the emotion that drew the person to do it.

[-] ArbiterXero@lemmy.world 11 points 5 days ago

Because developers are all logical and don’t EVER show anger at the systems they’re working on…. Hahahaha..

I mean I personally wouldn’t post about it, but I’d probably rant over lunch at my stupidity…

[-] ArbiterXero@lemmy.world 80 points 5 days ago

You’ve never made a silly mistake where you “can’t see the forest for the trees”?

It happens to the best of us

[-] ArbiterXero@lemmy.world 5 points 6 days ago

He needs them to give a shit because he’s a bad leader. The second we stop talking about him, he’ll be let go.

His magic is staying in the news and relevant.

[-] ArbiterXero@lemmy.world 112 points 6 days ago

Fucking eh!

If you spend 10 minutes looking into Dolly Parton, you’ll find a Fucking Angel.

Legitimately. Look into her reading program. Not just the news articles, but the written deals. She makes sure that if her program is a success, that the county is contracted to keep it going FOR-FUCKING-EVER. Her legacy is generations of kids who graduate high school because she sent them books.

And that’s just ONE thing she did, with a legacy that will outlast every one of us.

We ride at dawn.

submitted 7 months ago by ArbiterXero@lemmy.world to c/adhd@lemmy.world

Everyone I know that likes orange pop is kinda adhd, it just feels like the flavour of kids who can’t sit still, thoughts?

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