submitted 1 week ago by limerod@reddthat.com to c/android@lemdro.id


  • Strings in the latest Android 15 beta suggest the OS can automatically delete biometrics that aren’t working well.
  • Android will delete your face or fingerprint unlock when they aren’t working well and then prompt you to set them up again.
  • We don’t know how the OS determines when a biometric isn’t working well or if this feature is even live yet in the latest Android 15 beta, though.
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[-] ramirezmike@programming.dev 2 points 1 week ago

have you tried additional entries that are the same thumb?

[-] halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world 3 points 1 week ago

Oh yeah it's on there 3 times. I've even tried to retrain them again several times since I got it. Just doesn't like that finger for whatever reason. Can't see any reason why looking at it, but it's extremely annoying since it's the most convenient finger.

The screen sensor is also noticeably slower than the rear sensor from older models, and I do have more issues with other fingers occasionally. I much prefer the placement of the rear sensor as well. I rarely use the phone while it is sitting on the table, and was able to unlock the phone while still pulling it out of my pocket with the rear sensor since there was an actual physical spot for it you could feel, not just a specific spot on the glass.

Easily the biggest step down for usability with the Pixels in my opinion.

[-] VubDapple@lemmy.world 2 points 1 week ago

That rear sensor worked flawlessly.

[-] halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world 2 points 1 week ago

I never had an issue with it. The sensor unlocked the phone every single time without exception.

Every in screen sensor I've used has had issues at one point or another. Power button sensors are theoretically good, but I rarely use the power button to turn on my screen. With all the alternative ways to wake up the phone, I rarely wake it using the power button.

this post was submitted on 19 Jun 2024
133 points (98.5% liked)


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