Arch Stability (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 week ago by Maragato@lemmy.world to c/linux@lemmy.world

I have always been afraid to install Arch because they tell you it is difficult to install and unstable. I want a simple system following the KISS philosophy and install only what I need, which is little. I don't need anything from the aur repository, for now. Just a year ago I installed Arch and there it is, no problems and doing every day pacman -Syu. It has been a real discovery for me, it's the only distribution I've had this last year that hasn't crashed. I didn't expect it, but Arch has made me change my opinion and pay less attention to the opinions of "youtubers" and more to my own experience. In your experience of use, has Arch been stable in its operation?

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[-] Anticorp@lemmy.world 2 points 1 week ago

No. Well, not KDE. My laptop with Arch and Gnome is a rock. My gaming desktop with Arch and KDE Plasma is a glitchy, flickery, laggy, mess. I was just thinking about giving up and going back to Gnome last night. I can't even do simple website development without both the ide and the browser constantly flickering and text input lagging. Ive done everything that the wiki says to do to fix Nvidia issues, but it still sucks. It's frustrating because I was using Pop on this computer for 3 years without any issues at all. I switched to Arch a couple weeks ago and it's been non-stop glitches.

this post was submitted on 23 Jun 2024
33 points (88.4% liked)


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