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I’ll admit it was a reactionary comment as I see the sentiment a lot without any nuance and it kinda annoys me, considering I make conscientious choices all the time and people like you (maybe not you in this instance) will pass judgement and make me question myself.

It was also a little strange shitting on a places public transport infrastructure when my city likely has the second best in the whole of Britain, so it seemed like you’re coming from a place of ignorance rather than passion. Pretty easy to go online and check out the public transport in Manchester, and realise yeah they’ve got it good there. Although, the buses in smaller towns leave something to be desired.

[-] grue@lemmy.world 1 points 3 days ago

I’ll admit it was a reactionary comment as I see the sentiment a lot without any nuance and it kinda annoys me, considering I make conscientious choices all the time and people like you (maybe not you in this instance) will pass judgement and make me question myself.

I apologize for having come across as "passing judgement." I was going for a tone closer to this (trying to shock you out of complacency), but missed the mark a bit.

It was also a little strange shitting on a places public transport infrastructure

Technically, I didn't dispute your mention of Manchester having good public transport (which I have no reason to disbelieve); I shat on British Rail's intracity public transport. And yeah, I freely admit that Amtrak is infinitely worse: the entire 5-million-people Atlanta metro area is served by one train a day, which shows up roughly at midnight! I figured that just means I know a thing or two about extremely shitty rail, LOL.

this post was submitted on 24 Jun 2024
208 points (93.0% liked)


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