
joined 1 year ago
[–] 16 points 1 hour ago

I realize it’s not quite the same thing, but there are already corporations who pay private meteorologists for their services.

Short answer: no, there really aren't.

Long answer:

[–] 1 points 2 hours ago

People in the know understand why we tell crazy people they’ve been on the Kool-Aid.

Because you're unaware that Jim Jones was a cheapskate and bought knock-off "Flavor Aid" instead?

[–] 2 points 2 hours ago (1 children)

$ cmatrix | lolcat

[–] 2 points 6 hours ago (1 children)

As an engineer he approach problems with a practical to find the solution, but sometimes there are no practical solutions and people just need comfort/inspiration from their leaders.

Reminds me of that time on Star Trek: Lower Decks when Rutherford, the engineer, tried to switch careers:

[–] 27 points 22 hours ago

The annoying thing is that they held us hostage for our free labor, but the results are proprietary for Google's benefit only.

That training data ought to be forced to be made freely available to the public, since we're the ones who actually created it.

[–] 14 points 1 day ago (1 children)

You don’t want the stock market destroyed. That is how retirements are funded as well.

Thus illustrating [one of] the ulterior motive[s] behind replacing pensions with 401(k)s.

[–] -3 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

If you’re trying to affect public opinion,

Yeah, and they're not.

Throwing soup on art.

They did no such thing! They threw soup on glass, harmlessly.

Why are you lying about both their motives and their actions?

[–] -3 points 1 day ago

Okay, let me be clearer: they didn't vote to "approve" of the protestors. They voted to accede to the protestors demands even though they fucking hated MLK, because they had no choice.

[–] 0 points 1 day ago

What part of your study is measuring an irrelevant thing do you not fucking understand?

[–] 1 points 1 day ago


We're talking about intentional acts of evil here, not just disregard for morality.

[–] 3 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (4 children)

What the fuck are you even talking about? Do you think the Civil Rights Movement succeeded because White Moderates "voted" in favor of it?

No, the Civil Rights Movement succeeded because the massive disruptions it caused made it clear that trying to preserve the white supremacist status quo would no longer be possible, and that the only alternative to negotiating concessions to the likes of MLK and the NAACP would be having to deal with the likes of Malcolm X instead.

Similarly, Just Stop Oil's path to victory has absolutely fuck-all to do with popular "approval" of their tactics, but everything to do with becoming so disruptive that it becomes worth it to capitulate to their demands to make the protests stop. Just Stop Oil is trying to be the Malcolm X of the climate movement. They don't want your approval, and they don't need your approval.

Spamming the false notion that approval matters all over the thread is nothing but the reactionary pearl-clutching of a concern troll.

[–] 4 points 1 day ago

Why? Because they got some glass dirty?


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Source: Imperial War Museums

Image Description:

a battle scene set in a British village street, featuring a dismounted Territorial Army cyclist, in uniform and chin-strapped forage cap, loading his rifle. Behind him stand two more members of the battalion, one firing his rifle, the other placed his bicycle against a wall. In the background, the remainder of the battalion come to join them.


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The Ontario government is considering bringing forward legislation that could prohibit the installation of bike lanes when lanes for motor vehicles are removed as a result, sources say.

Siemiatycki said "this government has signalled that the car is king," pointing to prior steps the governing Progressive Conservatives (PCs) have taken to ease costs for drivers.

He sees the PCs as making a clear play for the votes of motorists, and believes the policy would also appeal to many drivers frustrated with congestion on the roads.


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The Ontario government is considering bringing forward legislation that could prohibit the installation of bike lanes when lanes for motor vehicles are removed as a result, sources say.

Siemiatycki said "this government has signalled that the car is king," pointing to prior steps the governing Progressive Conservatives (PCs) have taken to ease costs for drivers.

He sees the PCs as making a clear play for the votes of motorists, and believes the policy would also appeal to many drivers frustrated with congestion on the roads.


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From the Saporta Report:

One year after organizers delivered 116,000 signatures to city hall in an effort to get the Atlanta Public Safety Training Center, widely known as “Cop City,” onto a ballot referendum for voters to make their voices heard, the community dissent over the project took center stage at a city council meeting on Monday.  “Stop Cop […]

The post Atlanta’s democracy disconnect appeared first on SaportaReport.


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