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The original was posted on /r/bestofredditorupdates by /u/swtogirl on 2024-07-01 15:09:07+00:00.

I am not OOP. That is u/Fearless_Hornet_5302 and they posted on r/AITAH


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Mood Spoiler: Ending is pretty unresolved and unhappy for OOP for now


AITAH for not forgiving my dad for what he said? June 21, 2024

My dad (45M) is really into cars. His dad (my grandpa) is also into cars. My grandpa used to work in a mechanic shop and my dad learned to work on cars with him. They can talk for hours about different car models and engines and tell stories about cars they’ve worked on. I (17M) am not really into them. My dad tried to get me into fixing up cars with him but it just doesn’t click with me. I know basic stuff like how to change a tire or oil and how to jumpstart a battery because he taught me and I’m glad for it. But talking about cars and working on them for fun I’m just not into. I always thought my dad was okay with me not being a car guy.

Five months ago we got these new neighbors that moved next door. It’s a married couple and their nephew Mason (16M) lives with them. Mason and I go to school together. At first I helped show him around school until he got comfortable and made his own friends. He and I talk still but we don’t hang out. Mason is like my dad and grandpa. He’s obsessed with talking about cars and has a whole list of cars he wants to drive and own one day. He would come over with his aunt and uncle and a lot of times Mason and his uncle would hang out with my dad in the garage. Sometimes I’d be there too but usually it’s just them.

My dad usually works on his project car in the garage every other weekend for a couple hours. For Father’s Day this year he said he wanted to be able to work on his car all day uninterrupted, which my mom agreed too. Whenever he works on his car he leaves the garage door open. Mason has been coming by when my dad works on it for the past couple months and he talks to my dad and sometimes helps him out with smaller stuff related to the car. I don’t really care. My dad does other stuff with me. But on Sunday I went to go ask him something when he was in the garage with Mason. The door from the house to the garage was open and him and Mason were talking. I was waiting by the door for a chance to speak because I didn’t wanna interrupt their conversation. My dad was praising Mason for whatever he did. Mason said he had done that with his dad and my dad told Mason his dad would be proud of him. Then he said Mason is the kind of son that he wanted to have.

Idk why but that really fucking hurt to hear. I never thought that me not being into cars was an issue for my dad. I knew he still loved me but I guess it’s not enough. I didn’t say anything and just went back to my room. He doesn’t know that I know what he said. I’ve been ignoring him since then. I still answer him when he asks me questions or tells me to do something but I just don’t want to talk to him just because anymore. Him and my mom (43F) have asked me if something is wrong but I lie and say no. I thought they would just let it go but a few days ago I messed up and told my older sister (19F) what happened because she kept asking and now she’s not talking to my dad either and she’s being a lot meaner to him about it. But I made her promise not to tell anyone the reason so she’s keeping her word.

It’s really tense in our house right now. My parents keep asking us why we’re mad at our dad but neither of us are answering and idk I feel like maybe I should just let it go and go back to the way things were. I really don’t want to though when my dad is disappointed in who I am. AITAH if I don’t forgive my dad?


Relevant Comments:


“Dad, I get that you’re disappointed that I’m not into cars like you and grandpa. It’s just not my thing, but I do appreciate how you taught me the basics. But when I went to the garage to see you on Father’s Day, I heard you tell Mason that he was the kind of son you wanted/wished you had. Do you have any idea how hurtful that is? On Father’s Day I got to hear my dad tell someone else that they were the type of kid he wanted. So yeah. I’m hurt. You said it so casually. And on Father’s Day.”



I think that if he mentions that it was Father's Day his dad will focus on that and the fact that it was Mason there messing with a car and not his OP, so it could get all like "Well if you had even tried maybe I wouldn't say it" and shit, the dad sounds like a AH, so maybe he should not give his dad that power.


The day the dad asked to be left ALONE to work on his car? Yeah why wouldn’t his son be there


It also struck me that the dad specifically asked to be left alone to work on his car uninterrupted on Fathers Day, but happily lets Mason interrupt him on Fathers Day and then drops the little gem about wanting a son like Mason. What an awful situation!


Many Redditors advised OOP to talk to either his mom, dad or both about the issue:



30 years ago in the heat of the moment, my dad yelled at me and called a lazy fat ass. It actually still comes up in my therapy sessions sometimes. The situation was simply that I didn't want to leave the living room when my mom's friends were coming over. I locked myself in my room for 2 days and refused to speak to him. When I opened the door he was devastated, he knew I was hurt and that his words were the cause.

He did what he could to make it right, but I still hear those words in my head sometimes. Telling him isn't going to make those words go away, but saying it and giving him a chance to hear how it made you feel is the only way you'll start the process of healing from it.

As others have mentioned it may have been said to make the neighbor feel better, but that doesn't excuse the hurt it caused. Holding it in will only make your feelings and emotions grow.


As in MANY relationships, lack of communication is the fatal error. It can't get better, your dad can't learn, until you tell him how hurt you are.

Have a family sit down, and have it out with him. CALMLY tell him what you heard, and how it made you feel. Ask your sister to not interject, as this is between you and your dad.

If you handle this like an adult, this should be a wake up call for your dad. If he refuses to acknowledge how hurt you are, then he would be past the point of forgiveness. Hopefully he will realize how strongly you feel about this.

Avoiding this discussion resolves nothing. It just pushes this issue down the road while your negative feelings continue to grow, until at some time not of your choosing you randomly explode like a volcano. Better to handle it sooner, in a controlled fashion.

NTA, but please tackle this issue directly, ASAP.


NTA for anything that you are feeling or not being able to forgive him.

However, you should probably give him the chance to apologize and make amends for hurting you. From what you described, you know he never wanted to hurt you this way. He cares, or he wouldn't be concerned about why you are upset. So, give him the chance to make it up to you. He might mess it up, you know him better than I do, but you will feel better about not being able to forgive him if he messes up again or doesn't feel the need to apologize/make amends.

If you don't feel comfortable taking it to him directly, start with your mom or request a session with a family therapist.


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[–] 1 points 3 months ago

Relevant Comments:


OP’ if you’re reading this, I’m sorry your dad is a complete piece of shit. And tell your mom this really isn’t about the car or the amount of time your dad spends on the car, it’s about what your dad really thinks of you.

His reaction was to deny, lie, manipulate, minimize (I’m guessing that “apology” was the complete opposite of truly sorry or remorseful), then pout and run away instead of dealing with what he did to you - not just on fathers day but during/after this family meeting.

I’m sorry you have to go through this. Your asshole dad doesn’t deserve forgiveness

” He says he was just trying to make Mason feel better cause Mason was sad and kept talking about his dad that died because it was Father’s Day. My dad wasn’t trying to put me down or say I was a disappointment to him.”

Bullshit. You know what your dad would have said if was trying to make Mason feel better? ’I’m proud of you, Mason. And your dad is probably watching you right now and saying the exact same thing, only you can’t hear him’

You know what your dad would have said if you were a disappointment to him? ’You’re exactly the kind of son I wanted to have’

You want proof that you’re not a failure?

• your sister was pissed off at what he said about you

• your mom was pissed off at what he said about you

• everyone on reddit is pissed off at what he said about you

That’s 3 strikes. 3 strikes has worked in baseball for well over a hundred years. You are NOT a failure. YOUR FATHER IS A FAILURE.


Hey: I know this might not feel true yet, but you did some brave, important things in that conversation. You told the truth, and you stood up for yourself. Your dad lied and deflected and stormed off for reasons that have nothing to do with you and everything to do with his emotional maturity. That’s a tough thing to learn, because as kids it feels safer to believe we’re the problem, because then we can fix it. But this isn’t on you. Try to be kind to yourself, and maybe spend some time your mom or sister or friends who make you feel good.


Thank you for saying this. I really needed to hear some of that.


As an adult who had 2 very emotionally immature parents, I understand your pain. It’s hard to not blame ourselves when we confront our parents about things they have said or did to hurt us. They often lie, gaslight, or fake apologize their way out of it and you’re still left feeling the shame for even bringing it up.

I just want you to know I’m proud of you. It’s not easy to do what you did; I wasnt able to do this at 16. I’m 30 and can barely do it sometimes but I’m getting better. Keep enjoying the hobbies you love! And never stop standing up for yourself, no matter who they are


You are not wrong for your feelings. And you are not to blame for your sister, your mother or your father’s reactions to how you feel. They make those choices. And as a mom, I would bet money that your mom is both pissed about what he said but even more pissed that he tried to lie and cover it up. But I also believe this, your dad tried to lie and say it didn’t happen because he was ashamed of what he said and ashamed of the hurt he caused to you because he does love you. Shame and men are just two things that rarely go well together. Many men are taught to hide their feelings (good for you to be starting to break that bullsh*t cycle) and so when they feel any emotion, they react with anger. But that anger reaction is NOT your fault. Your dad needs to feel his shame right now and I don’t believe he would be feeling that if he didn’t love you very much.


So, when presented with the reason you’re upset, your father:

-Denies it flat out, calling you a liar, then

-Gaslights you, saying you misunderstood him, then

-Attempts to justify his words, then

-Throws a diversionary hissy fit, claiming you all hate his beloved hobby when, no…you hate his insulting statement, then

-Storms out in cowardly rage to run from his actions and not having to hear any more from all of you meanies.

OP, you’re so NTA. Your father needs to learn that when one makes a mistake, one needs to admit it, own up to it, apologize and make every effort to ensure it’s never repeated.

Editor's Note: Since OOP's dad has left and not returned, this issue doesn't feel resolved, so I am marking it ongoing. Hopefully, OOP updates us with a more positive update in the future.

Reminder: I am not OOP. Do NOT comment on Original Posts. No Brigading! See rule 7.