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Honestly I liked Robert F Kennedy for the democrats before he became an independent I think. I still like him I'm just saying he seemed like the only sensible candidate on the democratic side in my opinion.
Down to earth and not engaged in an obsessive ideology.
But whatever
Hello Mr. Kaboom
He's also anti-vaccine and a conspiracy theorist disinformation-spreader. You know... a complete lunatic, and pretty much the last person to lead the Democratic Party. No surprise he went independent, then.
Anyway, Biden's administration record has been superb (r/WhatBidenHasDone), so no matter his age, he obviously has a great team working for him. America better hope to hell he wins, or the ship is sunk.
-_- BOBA NO ! Lol
Lol the only thing I don't like about him is his voice. I feel bad but man it's hard to listen to