[-] Alice@hilariouschaos.com 7 points 20 hours ago

Literally complain about it while sitting on the couch bored

[-] Alice@hilariouschaos.com -2 points 21 hours ago

Fuck you Governor Chris Christie

[-] Alice@hilariouschaos.com -1 points 21 hours ago

Looks like a cool community

[-] Alice@hilariouschaos.com -1 points 1 day ago

Hasn't been updated since March 4th at least that's what github shows...

[-] Alice@hilariouschaos.com -2 points 1 day ago

It's the republican infighting. Like what Matt Gaetz did to the former speaker and then Margie trying to do the same shit? I can't stand that nonsense. Like wtf is their problem? They need to grow up and WORK TOGETHER.

What do you think?

[-] Alice@hilariouschaos.com -1 points 1 day ago

Yea thanks for the shout out! Posted again on it now lol

[-] Alice@hilariouschaos.com -1 points 1 day ago

Ah, it's alright nvm then lol thank you though for the opportunity!

[-] Alice@hilariouschaos.com 0 points 1 day ago

Posted on it ty !

[-] Alice@hilariouschaos.com 1 points 1 day ago

Eh why not both.


Welcome to Content Boosters! (hilariouschaos.com)

Welcome to Content Boosters!

This community is dedicated to revitalizing and energizing other communities by encouraging active participation and content creation.

Share your communities here along with specific requests for the type of content you need, whether it's discussions, images, questions, or more. Members can join these communities and contribute based on these requests.




Welcome to the Goth, punk Rockabilly Alternative Lifestyle community! This is a space dedicated to celebrating and discussing any type of music and fashion inflated lifestyle, from metalhead, goth, punk, rockabilly, or a skater. Whether you're into goth fashion, punk music, rockabilly aesthetics, or skater culture, you'll find a place here to share and explore.

Please note: This community is focused on the public aspects of alternative lifestyles, such as fashion, music, and events. Discussions about sexual lifestyles or private matters are not appropriate here. Let's keep our conversations respectful and relevant to our shared interests. Enjoy the vibe and stay alternative!

Screw it I just made it. I want to see goth stuff darn it!

Ask a Lemmy Admin (hilariouschaos.com)


Welcome to Ask a Lemmy Admin ! This community is dedicated to providing a platform where you can ask questions, seek advice, and get insights directly from experienced Lemmy administrators.

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Don't think many will be interested but figured maybe a few people might be.

Ask a Lemmy Admin (hilariouschaos.com)


Welcome to Ask a Lemmy Admin ! This community is dedicated to providing a platform where you can ask questions, seek advice, and get insights directly from experienced Lemmy administrators.

Whether you’re new to Lemmy or a seasoned user, this is the place to find answers and share knowledge about managing and navigating Lemmy communities.

Privacy Matters: Do not share personal information about yourself or others. Respect privacy at all times.

Resource Sharing: Find and share resources like guides, tutorials, and best practices.

Problem Solving: Troubleshoot issues and find solutions with the help of the community.

Community Highlights:

Join the Discussion: Whether you’re curious about moderating, need help with technical issues, or want to learn about Lemmy’s latest updates, Ask a Lemmy Admin is here to help. Post your questions, share your experiences, and connect with fellow Lemmy enthusiasts.

Don't think many will be interested but figured maybe a few people might be.

How are you lemmy peeps? (hilariouschaos.com)
Reddit And Lemmy Alternatives (hilariouschaos.com)

Fuckin hate reddit? Lemmy ain't working out for you either?

Post your alternative finds here !


Extremely Polite Politics (hilariouschaos.com)
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by Alice@hilariouschaos.com to c/newcommunities@lemmy.world


Welcome to extremely polite politics! Where you can say what you want but just in extremely polite language to a ridiculous degree.

Rules: Polite Language Only: All posts and comments must be written in extremely polite, formal language, akin to 1800s etiquette.

No Modern Slang or Cuss Words: Any use of modern slang, cuss words, or informal language results in a warning or temporary ban.

Respectful Insults: You can insult or criticize, but it must be done in the most respectful and formal way possible.

Enforcement: A point system is used for rule violations, by accumulating a total of 3 infractions resulting in a temporary ban (e.g., three strikes and you’re out for a week).


Proper Critique: "My dear sir, it appears your argument lacks the necessary foundation in empirical evidence, and I must respectfully disagree with your conclusion.

Polite Insult: “Madam, with all due respect, your assertion is as misguided as it is ill-informed."

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