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Strange you let this one stay but you deleted my previous posts... They both make republicans look crazy. Are you just not personally insulted by this one?
None of that happened. The shooter was a terrible shot. While he likely was a hateful man, an innocent rally attendee died and Trump hasn't even reached out to the family that was there to support him. How's that for Lord Chosen?
Trump did call the wife
They just hate him that's all. They even put what she said about him calling her on the news.
I watched it about an hour ago
Yeah he went a whole round of golf first before he called. Which also happened to be the same day I posted that he didn't, which was info from the day before. So he golfed all day and was like "oh shit, I gotta call that dude's wife" when Biden called the day of? Like you couldn't do it the day after or after you knew you were okay? Sure.
Edit: also, of course I hate the guy who has been calling for political violence since 2016, and even had his cronies charge the capital. You're a rube if you like that.