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His values from the 90's, when he was openly racist, and anti-drugs?
It's him or Trump. Not voting for one is directly helping the other. So what you're saying is that, between the two, you prefer Trump.
@AFKBRBChocolate @wintermute_oregon What about voting for #RFKJr?
He has literally zero chance of winning, so a vote for him takes a vote away from one of the two major party candidates, whichever you would have otherwise voted for.
That's a fair point
I tell people who want to sit the election out to vote for him, generally
Better a vindictive, angry old man who has talked about nuking places?
Let's be honest, that's not a real risk, #JoeBiden probably isn't running anything
He will therefore not nuke a random country on a whim, marked safe from nuclear war for today
I'm not saying you're wrong, I am voting for #Trump after all. Just saying, we shouldn't be alarmist about #JoeBiden nuking random countries because he's old
Wait what's the point of bringing it up if you didn't think anything would happen
I'm just dumbfounded that anyone thinks Trump is a better choice than basically anyone. I mean it's not that he's unlikable, it's that he's a criminal con man who cares for no one but himself and is raping the country. His policies are horrid and he appoints people who actively want to dismantle government. Biden could be in a coma and do a better job. Harris seems perfectly capable even if you don't like her.
That's such bullshit. The current Republican party isn't anything close to "small government," they only want to reduce things like the EPA and other things that cost company profits in order to protect people. They have zero problem dictating what people can do in their bedrooms or mandating religion in schools, etc.
"I dislike her even more "
Because she is black or because she's a woman?
You forget the choice is binary, right? There's no 3rd option that hasn't been an abject failure before.
Racist? The guy who worked directly with a black guy? Two puffs and pass, from now on, okay?
@corsicanguppy @wintermute_oregon I mean, #RFKJr exists. I highly recommend voting for him if you hate the two party system and aren't happy with #Trump or #JoeBiden.