Blas Roca Calederio, born on July 22 in 1908, was a Cuban communist revolutionary and radical journalist. Roca helped lead the 1933 general strike that ousted Gerardo Machado, and served in Fidel Castro's revolutionary government.
Born into a poor family, Roca began working at age eleven, shining shoes. According to Castro, Roca was already a prominent communist organizer in the province of Oriente at 21 years old.
At age 25, Roca helped lead a two week general strike that ousted dictator Gerardo Machado. By 1936, he was head of the Cuban Communist Party and began serving as a politican, helping author the 1940 Cuban Constitution.
Under Roca's leadership, Cuban communists were instrumental in providing an organizational and ideological structure for Castro's revolution, as well as playing a pivotal role using the party's long-standing ties with the Soviet Union to promote increasingly closer ties during the early days of the revolution.
In 1961, Blas Roca, leading a party delegation, presented a Cuban flag to Nikita Khrushchev during a meeting of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Roca served on the first central committee and politburo of the new Communist Party of Cuba, founded in 1965.
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Yeah, it's much more straightforward than any prior game. Just regular stones or somber stones + whetstones to attach whatever stat scaling, special damage, and ash you want. No muss, no fuss. Trying to find all the finnicky special stones in DS1 and then not being able to change without great cost was pretty rough.
Anyway, I got a play date with Loretta, Knight of the Haligtree. And by play date I mean she's been tossing my ass around like a kayak in a hurricane and I seriously fucked up coming in with an all magic damage build. It is funny, though; My magic doesn't do shit to her, and meanwhile I have like two spells and the Carian shield to negate most of her magic, so we're just whiffing at each other until she reminds me that she's like nine feet tall with an equally giant armored horse and can beat the crap out of me with her entirely not magic halberd.