[-] sc_griffith@awful.systems 1 points 3 hours ago

does anyone know how to short utils

[-] sc_griffith@awful.systems 5 points 3 hours ago

if it produces the same text as its response in multiple instances I think we can safely say it's the actual prompt

[-] sc_griffith@awful.systems 8 points 1 day ago

I've never had the full on "let's be nazis together" invite but I've had several people launch unprompted into "now that it's just us white folks we can talk for real" mode. internally they must have been like "I see white skin, we are clear for takeoff, 54321"

funnily enough it hasn't happened since I became visibly trans

[-] sc_griffith@awful.systems 7 points 2 days ago

I read the judgement quite carefully and it makes no reference at all to the discovery material. the only evidence it demonstrates awareness of is public or is testimony

[-] sc_griffith@awful.systems 6 points 2 days ago

it ought to be named philosopher's disease

[-] sc_griffith@awful.systems 12 points 2 days ago

traveling back in time and teaching the rulers of the british empire about a little thing called literature

[-] sc_griffith@awful.systems 10 points 2 days ago

if only king leopold had been exposed to the humanities bro 😞

[-] sc_griffith@awful.systems 12 points 2 days ago

I'm so sick of "if only we had more humanities in education the elites wouldn't be fucking up the world." that has nothing to do with reality, it never has, it never will

[-] sc_griffith@awful.systems 33 points 2 days ago

we're aiming to do 1% more recycling this year 💪💪💪

[-] sc_griffith@awful.systems 8 points 3 days ago

my response to ray involves making music with an entirely different organ

[-] sc_griffith@awful.systems 15 points 4 days ago

start of the article is fine I suppose but it gets pretty bad when it tries to evaluate impact

He explains that "cutting-edge AI capabilities" are now available for every company to buy for the price of standard software. But that instead of building a whole AI system, he says many firms are simply popping a chatbot interface on top of a non-AI product.

the implication here that there exists a viable company buying "cutting-edge AI capabilities" "for the price of standard software" and "building a whole AI system" with them is comical but goes unexamined

"If I asked a room of people what their definition of AI is, they would all give a different answer,” he says. “The term is used very broadly and loosely, without any clear point of reference. It is this ambiguity that is allowing AI washing to emerge.

no it isn't. the article opens with a clear counterexample. if the ambiguity didn't exist Amazon still could have lied about using ai, easily

"AI washing can have concerning impacts for businesses, from overpaying for technology and services to failing to meet operational objectives the AI was expected to help them achieve."

ok, businesses can be impacted

Meanwhile, for investors it can make it harder to identify genuinely innovative companies.

ok, investors can be impacted... hard to be sympathetic to them but sure

And, says Mr Ayangar: "If consumers have unmet expectations from products that claim to offer advanced AI-driven solutions, this can erode trust in start-ups that are doing genuinely ground-breaking work."

and consumers, ok, we've gone through all three types of entities that exist.

wait, what about workers? what about people being policed? what about people trying to interact with government programs using these products? why is only the holy trinity of capitalism worth mentioning?

But in the longer term, says Advika Jalan, head of research at MMC Ventures, the problem of AI washing may subside on its own.

"AI is becoming so ubiquitous - even if they’re just ChatGPT wrappers - that 'AI-powered' as a branding tool will likely cease to be a differentiator after some time," she says. "It will be a bit like saying 'we’re on the internet'."

exercise: rewrite this passage to be about crypto

[-] sc_griffith@awful.systems 17 points 4 days ago

the faster training data gets polluted the faster ai companies get fucked. therefore, I propose the deliberate creation of unmarked ai compost piles on reddit and discord: "communities" managed so as to minimize visibility to humans while generating large quantities of shit data

wow. sensible (awful.systems)

somehow I managed to miss this until now

archive link

we're not Nazis btw (awful.systems)
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by sc_griffith@awful.systems to c/techtakes@awful.systems


tl;dr ai will write up officer reports used to help convict people, based on bodycam audio. of course we can expect it to display the usual features of fictionalizing, bias and diffusion of accountability

special highlight: end of the article includes a comment from the EFF, imploring municipalities not to purchase this tech. company responds with a statement pitching the product to prosecutors. make your own inference about who has control over this decision

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by sc_griffith@awful.systems to c/buttcoin@awful.systems

I've been reading through the top all time /r/hobbydrama posts and I keep coming back to this one. In a way, it's the best summary of the promises crypto makes I've seen. People buying fiefdoms in a game that doesn't exist because they so desperately want the experience of being kings, because they so desperately want to be the boot that grinds... it's beautiful to see this presented without the nonsense about supposed democratization or freedom.

the time capsule aspect is fascinating too. the layperson's innocence is now tainted by NFTs. you will never again see people struggle with the concept of this grift as purely as these posters did in 2017.


inspired by


from the link, we obtain HODL gang and versace bedouin (which might be the worst song I've ever heard period).

I would also like to add predatory capitalist feminism anthem WAGMI.

on an ideological level I would nominate the technofascist propaganda piece we appreciate power. banger tho


I'm doing it so skillfully. I'm totally basilisking you. isn't that scary


Actual framing:

Cruise wasn’t hiding the pedestrian-dragging video from regulators — it just had bad internet / An independent review of an incident in which a driverless Cruise vehicle dragged a pedestrian over 20 feet concludes the company has connectivity issues.

My expectations for journalists are low but goddamn

archive link: https://web.archive.org/web/20240126195607/https://www.theverge.com/2024/1/25/24050791/cruise-pedestrian-dragging-video-driverless-report

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by sc_griffith@awful.systems to c/sneerclub@awful.systems

saw this pointed out here and felt it deserved it's own post

let me mention that this is exactly the sort of argument I've seen pedophilia enthusiasts break out many times:

hmm, we thoughtful inquirers should look at this incredibly tenous evidence I've curated. it raises questions about whether we should be superrrrr chill about sex with children. questions with answers that, I'm sold on!

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