[-] Torty@beehaw.org 10 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Venomous: it bites you, you die.

Poisonous: you bite it, you die.

Please don't eat the lizards, they just vibin', doin' lizard shit.

[-] Torty@beehaw.org 8 points 7 months ago

I think the original tweet is saying this is their every day life bc of their adhd.

Being their every day state of existence and not having any control over it is the piece that is adhd specific I believe.

[-] Torty@beehaw.org 5 points 8 months ago

Time is the one thing we all suffer through equally.

It doesn't matter if you're a whale gamer with 100 ships or a normal person with 1 or 2.

Those 10 minutes pass the same for us all. And it's that consequence upon death that gives real weight, meaning and purpose to your choices.

It's what's meant to keep you from going, "hurr durr guns go brrrr" and shooting everyone you see on sight like a neanderthal.

The only thing I don't agree with is the current durations given the state of the game.

Often your ship explodes through no fault of your own. They should incrementally increase wait times as the game stabilizes more on my opinion.

But in a game where death is not permanent like real life time is one of the few things that weighs on us all the same.

And yes, ofc owning more ships b/c you're wealthier than other players does give you an advantage over other players, doesn't invalidate my point.

If anything that's making it more realistic, and some day 200 years from now when they implement "Death of a Spaceman" there will be harsher penalties to death that you can't whale your way out of, forcing you to prize your life and take action accordingly.

It's not meant to appeal to everyone. Nothing is meant to appeal to everyone.

If you don't like it, that's fine, don't play, no one is forcing you.

If you disagree with the game mechanics, that's fine, don't play. No one is forcing you.

If the devs need to do x, y, and z to appease you as an individual or you're going to quit, that's fine, don't play. No one is forcing you.

[-] Torty@beehaw.org 11 points 8 months ago

Fuck it man, indulge, it's not the end of the world ya know?

You're too tired to brush your teeth before bed one night you don't stop brushing your teeth forever.

It's okay to mess up, just get back on track the next day. It's not all or nothing, it's not a short-term fad die, it's a lifestyle change, for life.

If your CICO was a line graph and yesterday was normal, today was a big spike, and tomorrow was normal, none of that shit matters when you look at the line over the length of a year of good habits.

You won't even be able to see this one-off, single-day spike, blip, what have you. It's a drop of water in the middle of the ocean.

Let yourself make mistakes, just acknowledge it was not the norm, and learn from it. If you bastardize failure you're setting yourself up to fail harder due to unrealistic expectations, unsustainability, etc.

So I say fuck it. Blow your CICO up today. Just do right by yourself for the rest of the week.

[-] Torty@beehaw.org 6 points 11 months ago

I get these vibes when WASM introduced C# to the frontend via Blazor.

Feels wrong. Feels like it shouldn't be possible.

But binaries on the frontend are so. cot. dayum. fast

Blazor has been my favourite framework to do my side projects in for the past couple years now.

[-] Torty@beehaw.org 25 points 11 months ago

So fucking ecstatic to have seen that Sync for Lemmy came out today personally.

Paid for Ultra immediately without a second thought even if the app is early days I know it's a worthwhile investment to keep ljdawson paid and caffeinated lol

submitted 1 year ago by Torty@beehaw.org to c/jerboa@lemmy.ml

In my All feed if there's a single community apart of a particular instance I can block it and have it filtered out of my feed no problem.

What I can't do is filter out all of the communities from a single instance. There are some themed instances that I know I do not want to see any posts from any of their communities. Not my cup of tea.

Atm I have to keep blocking their communities one at a time as they trickle into my feed. It would be nice if I could block them all at once based on the instance that they come from.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Torty@beehaw.org to c/jerboa@lemmy.ml

After I downloaded the latest update I no longer have actionable icons underneath my unread messages.

Previously there was the same actions available as if viewing these messages as a comment on a regular post.

Maybe removed by accident?

Device Info

Jerboa Version: 0.0.33

View Type: Cards

Device: XQ-CT62

Model: Sony XQ-CT62

Android: 13

[-] Torty@beehaw.org 12 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I tried transforming the word Lemmy in the same way as demonyms for countries ending in Y just to see how it'd shake out.

Anything calling to anyone? 😅

Germany -> Germans -> Lemmans

Para/Uruguay -> Para/Uruguayans -> Lemmyans

Muscovy -> Muscovites -> Lemmites

Hungary -> Hungarians -> Lemmians

Norway -> Norwegians -> Lemmegians?

Turkey -> Turks? -> Lemms?

[-] Torty@beehaw.org 8 points 1 year ago

Friend of mine who has had a kid explained this to me for anyone else who's kidless like myself.

I guess the development rate of kids is sorta all over the place and various facets of development are benchmarked at certain months not years.

So parents speaking to other parents this probably makes total sense and they know developmentally where the kid is based on months.

For us non-parents, well, thank God our phones got calculators eh?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Torty@beehaw.org to c/programmerhumor@lemmy.ml

RFM = Ready For Master

[-] Torty@beehaw.org 7 points 1 year ago
[-] Torty@beehaw.org 11 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Fwiw my application to BeeHaw I submitted last night was like 4 sentences and approved in < 10 minutes.

I don't think they're looking for anyone's life story of personal philosophy on life and the universe ya know?

submitted 1 year ago by Torty@beehaw.org to c/support@beehaw.org

I had a question out to LemmySupport at lemmy.ml

And got some help from a user who had mentioned they had a beehaw account but couldn't reset their password.


Just thought I'd bring that feedback back here to the home instance in case it's actionable in any way and maybe this user can get their password squared away eventually.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Torty@beehaw.org to c/lemmy_support@lemmy.ml

This is probably just a lack of fundamental understanding on my part but some communities I want to subscribe to; I'll hit the sub button, it won't change status for a while, I'll refresh and it'll say "Subscribe Pending"

A couple communities have been stuck like this for a day or so now. But other communities I'll mash the sub button a bit more then it'll switch over to "Joined"

Can communities be setup such that subscribers have to be approved by a comm mod or has my subscription request fallen into the void on the backend somewhere and I should try to subscribe again?

Thanks for any clarifications about this!

[-] Torty@beehaw.org 5 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Hopefully this can help you get started on finding communities in the Fediverse that align with the subreddits you subscribed to on Reddit.


Someone over in the Fediverse community hosted on kbin.social has started finding communities around the Fediverse that map with subreddits.

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joined 1 year ago