[-] AssortedBiscuits@hexbear.net 40 points 4 hours ago

Uh oh. Evo Morales himself has accused Luis Arce of orchestrating the coup:

El presidente Luis Arce engañó y mintió al pueblo boliviano y al mundo. Es lamentable que se use un tema tan sensible como la denuncia de un golpe.

Frente a esa realidad, debo pedir disculpas a la comunidad internacional por la alarma generada y agradecer por su solidaridad con nuestro país. Es importante que una investigación completa e independiente demuestre la verdad de este hecho.

Per Google Translate:

President Luis Arce deceived and lied to the Bolivian people and the world. It is unfortunate that a topic as sensitive as reporting a coup is used.

Faced with this reality, I must apologize to the international community for the alarm generated and thank you for your solidarity with our country. It is important that a complete and independent investigation demonstrates the truth of this fact.

[-] AssortedBiscuits@hexbear.net 11 points 16 hours ago

People might not have sat through the debate or remember the soundbites.

But everyone's going to remember the faces.

[-] AssortedBiscuits@hexbear.net 13 points 16 hours ago

Those hosts have massive foreheads.

[-] AssortedBiscuits@hexbear.net 7 points 17 hours ago

They name their country after the king who colonized them.

[-] AssortedBiscuits@hexbear.net 1 points 20 hours ago

The volume control is covering Link's face.

[-] AssortedBiscuits@hexbear.net 14 points 1 day ago

It kinda makes sense if you see /r/politics as an extension of the media class and Reddit front page as the gesalt of inane R*dditors who haven't received marching orders by the media class to pivot away from Biden on top of being in the denial stage of grief. Barring something extreme like Biden dying (or Biden somehow doing even worse in a second debate lol) Obama's endorsement sealed the deal. The power struggle has swung heavily in favor of Biden and his personal patronage network. Parts of the media class who spoke out against Biden will be punished and made an example of while parts of the media class who supported Biden will be rewarded.

[-] AssortedBiscuits@hexbear.net 14 points 1 day ago

Labor Zionism was that insidious, truly a wolf in sheep's clothing. A lot of socialists and communists of that time period got fooled by the Zionists.

[-] AssortedBiscuits@hexbear.net 51 points 1 day ago

This doesn't look good unless Wikileaks had already released all the good shit and he just has to destroy a bunch of pointless memos:

[-] AssortedBiscuits@hexbear.net 68 points 1 day ago
  1. Unless you live in a swing state, it doesn't matter who you vote for. And unless everyone in the discord lives in a swing state, it doesn't matter who they vote for either.

  2. If your org has Palestinians, tell the people in that discord you're not voting for someone who ordered the deaths of your comrades' extended families. As far as Palestinians are concerned, Biden murdering their extended family is fucking personal. Nobody's fucking voting for some dude who killed their family and friends.

Don't argue with principles because liberals have none.

[-] AssortedBiscuits@hexbear.net 10 points 2 days ago

Some posts are the standard Biden rips Trump. Fetterman/Newsom having his back etc

These are brainwashed blue MAGA anarcho-Bidenists. Just useful idiots.

But like half are that he's too old and got to go.

These are a mixture of shills getting new marching orders from the media class to push a new narrative and random critics who would've been banned if it wasn't for the new marching orders.

[-] AssortedBiscuits@hexbear.net 20 points 2 days ago

I really love how their art is so political. It's a reflection of the state of political development in broader Yemeni society.

[-] AssortedBiscuits@hexbear.net 30 points 2 days ago

The media class is now manufacturing consent to get rid of Biden and pave the way for Biden being replaced with a younger puppet. In the end, he's just a puppet, and once a puppet proves to be more of a liability than an asset, it will be unceremoniously replaced with a better puppet.

The interesting development is that Biden has own peerage and sycophants who personally benefit from him being in power. It's going to be a power struggle between the broader strata of bourgeoisie who see Biden's use as a puppet coming to an end and Biden's personal sycophants and smaller strata of bourgeoisie who financially profit with Biden being in charge.


One thing that has been lacking with AI generated video up to now has been emotional performance from our Gen AI characters.

I think we are starting to cross that boundary.


Half of the replies: I'm a repeat O- donor, but I won't donate a single drop more until real protections are in place, including high-volume ventilation in donor rooms/vans and high quality (N95 or P100) masks are required on all patients & staff. You have failed in your responsibilities.

The other half: $1 million you can have my unvaccinated pure blood


I'm planning on adding a dual-booting section to my guide on how to install Linux and I need some input from people who are dual booting Windows and Linux:

  • How did you allocate the partition for Linux? Did you use Disk Management from Windows or did you allocate the partition as part of the installation process?

  • How do you share data between the two partitions? Do you create a third partition that both OS partitions have access to? Do you use external drives/flash drives? Or do you just have no need to share data between the two drives?


cross-posted from: https://hexbear.net/post/2720264

What's the point of this post?

We all love to dunk on M$ for repeatedly fucking up Windows, and we all love to recommend installing the superior OS, but there hasn’t been a guide on how to actually do so. My aim is to create a guide on how to actually install Linux so that every time M$ fucks up, people can link to this guide (or any other successive guide) on top of the usual dunking.

Note: This guide is tailored towards people who are using Windows devices.

Why Linux Mint?

  • Linux Mint has a well-deserved reputation as the “newbie distro for people who came from Windows.”
  • Linux Mint is based on Ubuntu, which is based on Debian, and all three distros combined have a wealth of information online owning to their popularity, meaning that there’s less obstacles in troubleshooting.
  • Linux Mint owning to its Debian heritage isn’t cutting edge or bleeding edge, meaning there’s a greater focus on using what currently works.

Which version of Linux Mint?


Linux Mint comes in three main editions:

  • Cinnamon (←pick this one)
  • MATE
  • Xfce

Pick Cinnamon since this edition is more modern and closely imitates the Windows desktop environment (DE) the most. The other two use DEs that consume less resources, but don’t mimic the look of Windows as much.

How to create a USB boot drive?

There are various ways of creating a USB boot drive:

Live session:

After creating your USB boot disk with Linux Mint Cinnamon Edition, you need to boot from your flash drive. The exact steps vary, but you essentially have to go to your BIOS and either change the boot order or specifically boot from your flash drive. Once there, you’ll come across a couple of screens before arriving at the Linux Mint desktop.

There’s a desktop icon that tells you to install Linux Mint, but you don’t have to do it yet. In fact, nothing’s stopping you from just running Linux Mint like this through the flash drive (there are entire Linux distro designed to be run from a flash drive like, but Linux Mint isn’t one of those). The live session is also good to catch any hardware issues like your wifi not working.

Actually installing Linux Mint:

It’s honestly pretty straightforward.

Pick the language you want, which will mostly likely be English.

Pick the keyboard, which will mostly be what you’re already using.

Connect online so Linux Mint will install the latest programs. You can skip connecting online, and Linux Mint will install the version of the programs that are in the iso image, but you’ll have to upgrade all those programs at once later.

Check Install multimedia codecs. The codecs allow you to watch videos.

Unless you have some weird logical partition set up for your drive, just choose Erase disk and install Linux Mint, and let Linux Mint handle the partitioning. If your PC has multiple drives, I would suggest physically disconnecting the drives that you don’t want the installation to touch as a precaution. Obviously, do this while the PC is off.

Pick the time zone you live in.

Set up your username, hostname, and password. It doesn’t have annoying password complexity restrictions on what password you want to use. Just pick any password.

This is a slideshow while installation is taking place.

Once installation is complete, Linux Mint will prompt you to reboot your PC. When you reboot your PC through that window, you will eventually get to a black screen with a prompt asking you to remove the USB boot drive and press Enter. Do so, and your PC will reboot to a fresh installation of Linux Mint.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by AssortedBiscuits@hexbear.net to c/libre@hexbear.net

What's the point of this post?

We all love to dunk on M$ for repeatedly fucking up Windows, and we all love to recommend installing the superior OS, but there hasn’t been a guide on how to actually do so. My aim is to create a guide on how to actually install Linux so that every time M$ fucks up, people can link to this guide (or any other successive guide) on top of the usual dunking.

Note: This guide is tailored towards people who are using Windows devices.

Why Linux Mint?

  • Linux Mint has a well-deserved reputation as the “newbie distro for people who came from Windows.”
  • Linux Mint is based on Ubuntu, which is based on Debian, and all three distros combined have a wealth of information online owning to their popularity, meaning that there’s less obstacles in troubleshooting.
  • Linux Mint owning to its Debian heritage isn’t cutting edge or bleeding edge, meaning there’s a greater focus on using what currently works.

Which version of Linux Mint?


Linux Mint comes in three main editions:

  • Cinnamon (←pick this one)
  • MATE
  • Xfce

Pick Cinnamon since this edition is more modern and closely imitates the Windows desktop environment (DE) the most. The other two use DEs that consume less resources, but don’t mimic the look of Windows as much.

How to create a USB boot drive?

There are various ways of creating a USB boot drive:

Live session:

After creating your USB boot disk with Linux Mint Cinnamon Edition, you need to boot from your flash drive. The exact steps vary, but you essentially have to go to your BIOS and either change the boot order or specifically boot from your flash drive. Once there, you’ll come across a couple of screens before arriving at the Linux Mint desktop.

There’s a desktop icon that tells you to install Linux Mint, but you don’t have to do it yet. In fact, nothing’s stopping you from just running Linux Mint like this through the flash drive (there are entire Linux distro designed to be run from a flash drive like, but Linux Mint isn’t one of those). The live session is also good to catch any hardware issues like your wifi not working.

Actually installing Linux Mint:

It’s honestly pretty straightforward.

Pick the language you want, which will mostly likely be English.

Pick the keyboard, which will mostly be what you’re already using.

Connect online so Linux Mint will install the latest programs. You can skip connecting online, and Linux Mint will install the version of the programs that are in the iso image, but you’ll have to upgrade all those programs at once later.

Check Install multimedia codecs. The codecs allow you to watch videos.

Unless you have some weird logical partition set up for your drive, just choose Erase disk and install Linux Mint, and let Linux Mint handle the partitioning. If your PC has multiple drives, I would suggest physically disconnecting the drives that you don’t want the installation to touch as a precaution. Obviously, do this while the PC is off.

Pick the time zone you live in.

Set up your username, hostname, and password. It doesn’t have annoying password complexity restrictions on what password you want to use. Just pick any password.

This is a slideshow while installation is taking place.

Once installation is complete, Linux Mint will prompt you to reboot your PC. When you reboot your PC through that window, you will eventually get to a black screen with a prompt asking you to remove the USB boot drive and press Enter. Do so, and your PC will reboot to a fresh installation of Linux Mint.


Say you want to go to twitter.com/dril.

"But AssortedBiscuits, that just redirects to x.com/dril"

Ah, but if you add an ?mx=1 at the end like twitter.com/dril?mx=1, the URL will then redirect to twitter.com/dril. From there, you can pretty much just use Twitter like normal. twitter.com/?mx=1 will take you to the normal Twitter login page or twitter.com/home if you're already logged in.


There they lie day after day, night after night, in a state of utter sensory deprivation, with nothing to distract from their wounds and pain. In the midst of this, Israeli medical interns can use their exposed, vulnerable flesh as a canvas for experimentation.

According to one whistleblower, the detention centre has quickly gained a reputation for being “a paradise for interns”.

There, they are allowed to use Palestinians as little more than lab rats and encouraged to carry out medical procedures they are not qualified to perform.

A whistleblower told CNN: “I was asked to learn how to do things on the patients, performing minor medical procedures that are totally outside my expertise.”

Such procedures were frequently done without anaesthesia. Unlike doctors in Gaza, Israeli doctors have ready access to painkillers. It is a choice not to use them.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by AssortedBiscuits@hexbear.net to c/the_dunk_tank@hexbear.net

Another banger from Timothy "brushing your teeth is Chinese imperialism" Grose


feeds another slip of paper into the paper shredder

pauses to make sure the paper has been fully shredded

Yes, Yes, that's what you're doing!


Most courageous Zionist

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joined 2 years ago