[-] collapse_already@lemmy.ml 2 points 9 hours ago

Six percent seems winnable to me. Now that abortion is illegal, I hope that Hispanics will stop voting against their financial and deportation interests. I also hope that Republican women might have second thoughts about being forced to carry their rapists baby to term and will want access to IVF when they are making choices in the ballot booth. Religious minorities ought to be voting against enforced Christianity in public spaces such as schools.

Voter suppression is real though. Additionally, many people feel disenfranchised because of the perception of an insurmountable majority. Biden is not helping turnout with unconditional support for the genocidal Israeli administration either.

[-] collapse_already@lemmy.ml 9 points 1 day ago

At what point do we cross the line into, "it was self defense" based merely on his speech? I feel threatened. My fear seems reasonable.

[-] collapse_already@lemmy.ml 3 points 4 days ago

Unspoken subtext of "I'm the priest?" As if the dichotomy is you are either the priest or the church boy - there is no other option?

[-] collapse_already@lemmy.ml 8 points 5 days ago

Better than what will actually happen- fail to use powerful new tool for presidential oppression, watch the other side use it, surprise pikachu, hand wringing, impotent mewling, get sent to death camps for failing to salute your neighborhood God emperor proxy fast enough.

[-] collapse_already@lemmy.ml 2 points 5 days ago

If The Great Gatsby is a difficult book, what is something like Finnegan's Wake or Ulysses? Actually, I am kind of interested in how AI would destroy those works.

[-] collapse_already@lemmy.ml 54 points 5 days ago

Here me out: Supreme Court justices, Seal Team 6, official act. You don't even have to pack the Court any more.

[-] collapse_already@lemmy.ml 78 points 1 week ago

It's me. I write software and complain to the hardware team when I don't have leds to blink for diagnostic purposes.

[-] collapse_already@lemmy.ml 100 points 1 week ago

Separate apps for various retail stores. I don't want a home depot app. I don't want a kroger app. We have a generic app for this category called a web browser. If you want me to download a specialized app for your store, I assume that means that my browser does not sufficiently breach my privacy for your "business purposes."

[-] collapse_already@lemmy.ml 63 points 2 weeks ago

Really it has no impact on most of us. I have never used a partnership tax basis shift and almost certainly never would have. It is going to cost a bunch of obscenely wealthy jerks some money and cost the rest of us nothing. Win-win.

[-] collapse_already@lemmy.ml 50 points 1 month ago

I got permabanned from reddit for posting the question "what would Eisenhower do if he was present with a machine gun?" underneath a picture of a Nazi march in Wisconsin. Apparently, that is inciting violence in reddit view. Gotta keep those Nazis safe.

[-] collapse_already@lemmy.ml 86 points 5 months ago

Looks like typical DJT operating procedures. Hire incompetence and then blame the system for their incompetence. I used to do high stakes litigation. We would have an attorney on our trial team whose only responsibility was preserving error. I wonder if DJT will sue her for malpractice. That would probably make her extra sad for servicing his tiny mushroom.

[-] collapse_already@lemmy.ml 76 points 5 months ago

This Texan checked into it, and unfortunately we have no procedure for recalling our treasonous governor. At a minimum, he should be held in contempt of court and jailed. I would like to see a treason indictment.


We'll melt some permafrost and release trapped methane that will melt even more permafrost.

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