[-] HurlingDurling@lemmy.world 1 points 56 minutes ago

"It's not easy...", sure it is. Ban corporations from owning residential housing for rent, real estate prices drop, buy the cheaper houses, give homeless a permannent roof, done.

[-] HurlingDurling@lemmy.world 17 points 13 hours ago

Fun fact Biff in that movie was based on Trump

[-] HurlingDurling@lemmy.world 8 points 1 day ago

There's a few youtube tutorials, but not many. Also, dissableing these will break certain features of your car.

[-] HurlingDurling@lemmy.world 16 points 1 day ago

"That's disgusting!... unless youre into that, in which case can I join you?"

[-] HurlingDurling@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago

I swear that he might have to do it just to save us, but then again, Biden and Harris both need t drop out of the race so we dont waste time in primaries.

[-] HurlingDurling@lemmy.world 5 points 2 days ago

And I hope we all do, all while living our best life

[-] HurlingDurling@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago

Only because the media gives them a talking mic and doesn't call out their stupidity.

Fuck being polite. If someone says something stupid, call them out on live TV.

[-] HurlingDurling@lemmy.world 32 points 4 days ago

You don't say! Color me shocked

[-] HurlingDurling@lemmy.world 31 points 5 days ago

The supreme court has basically given Biden the power to act as a King now, then take advantage and...

  1. Dismantle the supreme court, and start the process of HIM choosing who will be the new supreme court.
  2. Imprison all who seek out to destroy our democracy for financial gain.
  3. Forgive all student loans
  4. Change the constitution to codify roe vs wade
  5. Give all homeless a home by taking away property for rent that's been on the market for more than 6 months.
  6. Dismantle or block the entirety of Project 2025.
  7. Make law that no entity can legally own more than 5 or 10 properties.
  8. Make law that no one that has been recently convicted of a crime in the last year can run for any office (much less the president).
  9. Force term limits on congress and the house.
  10. Force term limits on the supreme court.
  11. Stop treating coorporations as people.
  12. Codify the chrevron ruling that got overturned.
  13. Forgive all medical debts and make Medicaid for all to all americans.
  14. Delist any news organization that either overly exaggerates or lies to the public (ie. Fox, Newsmax, CNN).
  15. Let NOAA make their weather app they wanted.
  16. Implement the green new deal properly now.

Use the weapons of your enemy against them.

There probably more this to add, hut that's just on the top of my mind.


So, I have been giving this a lot of thought and come November I won't be voting for team blue or team red in the upcoming elections, but I will be voting for a candidate I belive in.

I have decided that my vote will go to Claudia de la Cruz because she lines up with my beliefs.

Some might say that I'm throwing away my vote and that this will just let Trump become president since I'm not giving Biden my vote, but honestly he doesn't represent me anyways and why should I vote for a party that doesn't deserve my vote anyway?

I hope Trump goes down in flames all the way to hell where he will have pineapples shoved up his ass while dressed as a French maid, but if the Dems loose in November, it won't be because me or many others just didn't vote for them, it will be because they did not do anything to show us they deserve out vote.

Sure Biden has done a bunch of stuff for the American people, but I just can't look away with the horror of what is happening in Palestine and be ok with him or other dems calling anyone who sympathizes with Palestinians as being pro Hamas or pro terrorism.

Sorry to anyone who isn't in the US and sees this post, I know the US politics are super annoying for you all, but I just wanted to get this off my chest.

TL;DR - I'm not voting for Biden just because Trump bad. I'm voting for someone who represents me.


Hi everyone, every time I setup a Pi project server I have a hard time since I can only access that device from the computer where I created the image since I add the SSH key during setup, but I would like to be able to ssh from my android and my other laptop in case I'm out on the road and away from home.

How can I add the other keys for the other devices to a single Pi without using the user name and password as this is also given me problems because ssh wants to try using keys and if it does not find them it just fails instead of asking me to enter the password (also, because it's not really safe).

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by HurlingDurling@lemmy.world to c/news@lemmy.world

South Carolina lawmakers appear close to approving a bill that would allow anyone who can legally own a gun to carry the weapon openly.

I don't feel safe any more.


Politicians constantly talk about stopping the illegal immigrants that are coming from Mexico, but putting a wall has never and will never be a solution since the reason why so many displaced keep coming across the border is mostly to escape the crime, corruption, inequality, and violence of they have to live in their home countries. The worst part is that most of these terrible things is that happen in third world countries are rooted in constant subversion by developed countries, primarily the US. I feel like since we caused this (even if in part) we should help stop it now, even if we didn't publicly admit guilt to save face.

So, how do we do it? Do we straight up invade Mexico and go on a full out war against the cartels like we did against Osama Bin Laden?

If not, why not? And, is there anything that can be done?

I would like to keep things civil. Please, let's keep this respectful as I know this is a tough issue and there is anger on both sides of this issue.


I think the insulation tech is pretty dope, but seriously I don't understand who says "hey Google, Clean my ass!" and thinks that's what consumers want. Also, when robot maid? However I still don't need an AI powered toaster oven.

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