[-] hark@lemmy.world 1 points 12 hours ago

It means higher quality bread since it's filled with life-supporting nutrients and doesn't overdo it with the preservatives.

[-] hark@lemmy.world 2 points 17 hours ago

It's worse than idiocracy, it's plutocracy.

[-] hark@lemmy.world 2 points 17 hours ago

Nintendo did use them for the add-on Famicom Disk System but that was all the way back in the 80s.

[-] hark@lemmy.world 3 points 21 hours ago

Nobody fell in love with biden in 2020. He was crowned the nominee because they told everyone that somehow out of all candidates he was the best chance against trump and democrats fell in line, just like they did in 2016 for hillary.

[-] hark@lemmy.world 5 points 2 days ago

There is a good reason why it starts with "first they came for the communists"

[-] hark@lemmy.world 14 points 2 days ago

If the average voter is so stupid, why can't the democrats figure out how to appeal to them? Are democrats just too smart? Well I guess we're going to smart our way into fascism then!

[-] hark@lemmy.world 11 points 3 days ago

"Most progressive" is a very low bar to clear given the presidents we've had. Unemployment is not controlled by the president. The credit for capping insulin prices should go to Bernie Sanders, who would've been the president starting back in 2016 if the democratic party hadn't insisted on crowning Hillary. We could've had a much better president and no Trump!

[-] hark@lemmy.world 12 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Evil motherfuckers tend to live forever, unfortunately. It's the pure concentrated hate that sustains them.

[-] hark@lemmy.world 14 points 3 days ago

I remember when the needle only barely started to move toward Bernie before the democratic party super-geniuses swiftly moved in to make a whole bunch of candidates drop to put their full support behind decrepit Biden right before Super Tuesday while funding a PAC to keep Warren in the race to split votes with Bernie while running their media machine in overtime talking over and over about the "Biden miracle" after the endorsement in South Carolina gave Biden his only victory up to that point. You know, South Carolina, which didn't even end up voting for Biden during the actual presidential election.

Are these the democrats who are fighting back? Well, they're certainly fighting off the leftists with all their might, that's for sure.

[-] hark@lemmy.world 38 points 4 days ago

They made sure he's the only other viable candidate. I'm sick of the complete lack of actual choice.

[-] hark@lemmy.world 60 points 4 days ago

The birth rates are low because of the terrible environment that doesn't support having and raising children. All you're doing is importing more people who will also barely have any children within a generation or so. Mass immigration is just throwing bodies at the bottom of the pyramid scheme. You can see this in action in Canada where housing is absolutely unaffordable, but large numbers of immigrants are brought in who have to work for shitty wages and live with multiple families in a single rental unit.

The screaming about low birth rate is because corporations want to keep a high labor pool so they can drive down the price of labor while keeping up demand for consumption.

[-] hark@lemmy.world 43 points 5 days ago

If you want democrats to win, you shouldn't delude yourself with this stupid article that takes the opinion of one undecided voter (asked out of a group of about a dozen people) and pretend this is something that applies to undecided voters at large. This is copium on the level of 2016 and we'd all be better off if we didn't huff this bullshit. We should be taking steps to improve our chances, not gaslighting ourselves.

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