

amazing article y'all lol

Meet 26-year-old Amy. She’s single, likes puppies and is looking for a date on Hinge. But it’s not just good-looking men she’s after; she “goes crazy for a free Palestine” – at least that’s what her dating profile says.


Lauren cuts to the chase by simply saying: “No Zionists”.

the horror!?!

Lee wants to “make sure we’re on the same page about free Palestine”. So does Savanah. And Boris. And Michaela.

oh no!?!

the majority but many profiles I see now say ‘No Zionists’.”


divorced, 59-year-old Stephen downloaded Hinge last summer. A few months of swiping later, Palestinian flags started appearing.

oh the humanity!?! poor Stephen!!!

“But if they’re saying ‘no Zionists’ that doesn’t leave much room for me.”

you guys already have a homeland, it's called Brooklyn

“It’s like the signs that used to read: ‘No Blacks. No Jews. No Dogs. No Irish.’”

omg so true bestie, so true

rule (lemmygrad.ml)
[-] vaquera_medianoche@lemmygrad.ml 28 points 2 months ago

lol i spent $214 on groceries for the week yesterday :3 i'm totally splurging with my um, tacos, pasta, and salads i'm cooking, how fancy and luxurious.

[-] vaquera_medianoche@lemmygrad.ml 9 points 2 months ago

Oki so usually I vote for my man

Juan Guaido

because if the US wants him to be pres of something so bad, well they might as well elect him.

but this year I'm too disgusted and over everything to even do a joke so I actually just threw it away :3

over 31,184 palestinians are dead today, I started out marching with my city and doing everything I could, thousands of us did but nothing changed, and now they're going after Latin Americans more aggressively than I've seen in my life, I hate this place.

so I couldn't even bring myself to make a joke this year

[-] vaquera_medianoche@lemmygrad.ml 22 points 2 months ago

ya it really fucks with me mentally. nobody else in my entire life treats me that way (i left my own family over abuse/bigotry a long time ago), and like, idk. i guess i should've gotten out of it sooner probably, i just have very low self esteem

[-] vaquera_medianoche@lemmygrad.ml 38 points 2 months ago

thanks everybody for all the replies :3

i know he always like attributes this behaviour to "mental health" (his exact term not mine), and like, i can probably see that, that could very well be true, but at the same time, he always makes time for the needs of his parents (who hate me and call me a "man playing dress up", i'm not, i'm a woman, and no i don't look like a guy, they're just assholes who know i'm trans so they say that anyways, and even if i did look like a guy i'm a woman so it shouldn't matter, and he doesn't stand up to them for me), so he'll like prioritise his parents' needs for stuff but never do anything for me.

when we're together he kinda always encourages me to drink a lot (for the obvious reason guys do that with girls), and that's also like really unhealthy for me and not really something i want in my life anymore.

and he told me "well i'll never choose you over my parents" in so many words, and it's like, alr dude, well peace ig, idk. i think i'll just kinda not see him for a few weeks and see if he says anything.

anyways thanks y'all i'm glad i have this place, i just needed to vent ig lol :3 <3




it sucks. I've been seeing this guy for like a year and a half, and like, idk, he doesn't act like he actually cares about me? it's really weird and i feel really sad a lot because of it.

he's nice ish when we're together but he never talks to me otherwise. he never texts me or calls me, when I text him usually he doesn't reply. he never like takes me out anywhere or wants to do anything with me, everything we do I have to initiate. he just wants to sit around on his phone all the time.

a few months ago he totaled his car, and he still hasn't gotten a new one despite having plenty of money for one because he's a snob and will only get a car he considers "cool" which he can't afford, leaving me on the hook for all our transportation, and despite him having a decent job and like no living expenses he's never once even offered to get a meal for us both. almost every time I take us out he criticises the food/place/people in the place/atmosphere.

two weeks ago I got surgery. I needed to go to another country for it. it was really major surgery and really scary for me. he didn't reach out to me a single time. never called, never wished he luck or asked how I was, still hasn't. yet he's on discord in my discord server all the time talking about other shit. I feel like I'm just not worth somebody caring about if this person who supposedly loves me cares more about discord and memes than like if I even survived anesthesia.

I'm only really with him still because he's not like actively abusive to me, dating strangers is scary, and I don't wanna hurt him by breaking up with him, but honestly I think I'm at a point where I need to just let him go and move on

anyways, idk :3 I'll be oki eventually

[-] vaquera_medianoche@lemmygrad.ml 21 points 2 months ago

I mean according to the Bible I guess they're from "Tanki" and not liberal?!?

[-] vaquera_medianoche@lemmygrad.ml 5 points 2 months ago

that's the way to do it :3

[-] vaquera_medianoche@lemmygrad.ml 19 points 2 months ago

i do this, people can do this! lots of americans (mainly the white ones) just suck and are angry at eachother :( but in my mostly mexican neighbourhood, people frequently invite eachother over to parties and things

[-] vaquera_medianoche@lemmygrad.ml 16 points 2 months ago

but at what cost?!?

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by vaquera_medianoche@lemmygrad.ml to c/trans@lemmygrad.ml

Given today's controversy in the United States regarding Biden accidentally acknowledging trans people on easter Sunday, I have been in thought and reading most of the morning. I stumbled across this article this morning and it floored me. Except for ages, timelines, and the lack of physical violence and conversion therapy, this story could have been written by my parents about me. It is disgusting.

Throughout the entire article the author misgenders their child consistently, but that's not even close to the end of it. This passage is deeply disturbing, but I believe it's very important to call attention to the sick thinking patterns that go on inside these peoples' heads.

During one conversation, when we said we couldn’t use his preferred name and pronouns, he said to us, “Then I can’t guarantee I won’t kill myself.” He eventually went to his room, wailing and weeping profusely. My wife and I were also crying, feeling helpless. Certainly, it’d be easier to simply call him by his preferred name and pronouns. Certainly, it’d be easier to celebrate the things he celebrates.

The parent, recognizing the emotional abuse they are inflicting upon their child and its effects even acknowledges that it would be easier to affirm their child's gender and not be an abusive asshole. But instead, the author doubles down and adopts a victim complex, "taking up his cross" so to speak of continuing to abuse his transgender child.

When my son thought we hated him, he didn’t realize our love for Jesus (and for him) is greater than he could imagine.

This sentence is deeply revealing and it is the experience of being on the other end of this resonates with me to my core. My parent's didn't love me. They love an abstract idea of a straight white christian man that they wanted to create which never existed and never will. When they say "our love for Jesus is greater", the author is showing the exact same thing my parents did. His own hatred and rejection of his child's, not only gender identity, but entire self, is way less important than their well being, and is upheld by his professed "spiritual convictions".

I should note, there really isn't a coherent anti-trans argument from the Christian Bible. I've read and studied the book several times in my life, and it's hardly concerned with the ideas of gender identity, it's more about lineages and not eating shrimp, no, you cannot blame what you are on "Jesus".

At the end of the day, the white american evangelical is an abusive, destructive person who seeks justification for their internal prejudices by manipulating a religion, but it has little to actually to with the religion. It's the people. The religion doesn't make them hate, hateful people adopt it as an excuse.

I hope for the child of this author, that they have found a safe and healthy life away from their abusive family with people who love and support them. I know I have. It has taken me years, but I am a happy, successful, woman with a very full social circle and a great life. Sadly, not everybody makes it out of this so lucky.

And for every one or two like me who survives through all of the abuse, the beatings, the torture, and the pain of white christian bigotry, I fear many more don't get through it.

Sorry for the long post, I will never stop thinking on this topic. As I grow older, I work with younger transgender people in my community with similar trauma, and I try my best to never forget where I came from, and all of those who are still there.

Happy trans day of visibility everybody. If you're able to, help somebody else, and if you are struggling, please never give up. :3

[-] vaquera_medianoche@lemmygrad.ml 17 points 3 months ago

What's even funnier is like they failed to catch something like 80% of the weapons snuck through in undercover testing a few years ago lol. so they're not even good at it.

one of the things that cracks me up about the bolting the pilot in the cockpit thing....... Latin American airlines don't do that. the pilot will come out, have nachos, go to the bathroom, and you know why?

because Latin American countries don't conduct themselves in a manner that people wanna hijack their planes and fly them into buildings

[-] vaquera_medianoche@lemmygrad.ml 52 points 3 months ago

it's always such a kick in the face when I go from Mexico to the US. I usually sink into a depression for the first two weeks or so due to the isolation and just kinda oppressive feeling of the United States.

usually the customs officers don't hassle me much because I'm white but tsa is always happy to help themselves to a groping, which is why I typically do not fly in the US. usually I cross in tijuana so I can deal with sane and pleasant mexican authorities instead of like getting groped for my sunscreen or whatever insane shit the US be smoking this week

[-] vaquera_medianoche@lemmygrad.ml 4 points 3 months ago

thamk u everybody :3


I quit vaping on October 29. I started smoking cigarettes when I was like 15, and eventually switched to vapes but then my throat got all swollen and hurt from the vape and it was like way way too much nicotine. terrible.

so I got nicotine lozenges and went on those for a few months and now I'm on patches going down. I'm doing it like really gently so I don't upset my mental health, but omg I'm so happy lol

I think I'll be off the patch in another month. I did this really slow because nicotine withdrawal gives me extremely severe depression.

anyways if anybody feels like quitting nicotine, you totally can, and I really recommend it :3

[-] vaquera_medianoche@lemmygrad.ml 8 points 3 months ago

wow Argentina is surprisingly high on there

also what the hell is going on in Peru? what happened?!?

waow (lemmygrad.ml)
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by vaquera_medianoche@lemmygrad.ml to c/trans@lemmygrad.ml


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