I’ve been playing that game Lords&Villeins a bit and the description on Steam says it’s a “feudal economy” where “villagers runs their business and trade in the free market”. You might have seen this pic on Twitter

And yeah, it has nothing to do with the feudal mode of production at all, but not actually because of that description.

I’ve been thinking of writing an article about this game delving into how this type of games incentivize you to actually care about the collective outcome as well as what the feudal mode of production was actually like, but I have no idea if this is interesting to people and in line with that they expect of my writing.

Is this an article that you'd like to read?


The narration is polluted with some anti-communist propaganda, as expected from a western MSM, but there are some great footage. DW deleted it from their channel, probably because the video portrayed a too positive image of NK, even with the anti-communist propaganda in the narration.

Maybe some or most of you already knew this doc, but I'm posting here anyway.


Hey all, I got a question recently about trans rights in China. I wanna make sure I answer the question correctly so I came here. I would just look it up myself but it’s impossible given how filled to the brim the internet is with Sinophobic lies.

Xigma grindset (tankie.tube)
submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by ExotiqueMatter@lemmygrad.ml to c/genzedong@lemmygrad.ml
Was Assange an asset for the US government? (criticalresist.substack.com)

The playlist starts on Class 10, so click Class 1 and go up from there.


So, back when I was a social-democrat slightly intrigued by communism I tried to listen to "both sides" to form my opinion and so I looked for videos from both communists and anti-communists. Out of the few things I watched I retained mostly, "Debunking every anti-communist argument ever" by spooky scary socialist on the pro-communist side and this series of 3 videos on the anti-communist side:

Marx, responsable des goulags ? La lutte des classes

Critique de la lutte des classes selon Karl Marx

Critique de l'économie selon Karl Marx

Those 3 struck me as relatively convincing at the time (I knew nothing about Marxism whatsoever back then).

Recently, seeing recommended videos from this channel made me look back and wonder how I would see these same videos now as a Marxist-Leninist and after procrastinating it for months I finally decided to re-watch them. And low and behold, they are dumb.

The youtuber makes a big show of explaining his bare minimum knowledge and shaky comprehension of Marx's writings which makes it looks like he know what he's talking about to the uninitiated but it's really mainly the old anti-communist drivel: denying class struggle and the labor theory of value, pretending that communists want a perfect utopia and say "that wasn't real communism" when AES are brought up, pretending that Marx was an accelerationist, etc...

I would be interested in having other MLs opinions on this brainrot, especially since for better or for worst it has been part of my political evolution.


On Sunday, the Ukrainian army fired at least four American-made Army Tactical Missile System precision rockets at NIP-16. Fires raged at the site through the night, and Planet satellite imagery from Monday seems to depict blast marks on the ground at the sprawling base.

Scientists surely would cringe at any damage to NIP-16 and its suite of hard-to-replace scientific instruments. Thousands of Soviet naval conscripts built the installation at a time when governments were pouring massive resources into space exploration.

submitted 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) by ComradePupIvy@lemmygrad.ml to c/genzedong@lemmygrad.ml

Welcome again to everybody! Make yourself at home. In the time-honored tradition of our group, grab yourself a bevrage of your choosing and relax for this weeks, weekly discussion thread. Oh and have a pleasant Vietnamese Family Day

P.S. if anyone can explain how this photo came up with the search term "Vietnamese Family Day" I would love to know


Sounds to me like America's going to fully take the mask off and go fascist in a year or two.

submitted 1 week ago by yogthos@lemmy.ml to c/genzedong@lemmygrad.ml

The English revolution of 1649 led to the rise of a liberal capitalist system based on greed, exploitation, and violence. The western political-economic system, with its focus on profit and expansion, is a direct result of this historical process. Freedom under liberalism primarily refers to freedom of those who own private property to exploit others for their benefit.

The commercial mindset permeates every aspect of life, with money becoming the central focus of thought and action creating a society that is inherently expansionist and imperialist, fueled by a relentless pursuit of new markets and profit. This expansion is achieved through violence and subjugation. The imposition of the capitalist system that is at the root of liberalism is based on violence and coercion, forcing individuals to conform to its principles or face dire consequences.

Liberalism has two distinct aspects: political liberalism, which champions individual freedom and democracy, and economic liberalism, which is synonymous with capitalism. While appearing compatible when fighting against oppressive regimes, the two faces of liberalism clash once power is attained. Political liberties are inevitably sacrificed to protect the economic interests of the ruling class.

When threatened by populism, liberalism readily abandons its political ideals in favor of preserving the capitalist economic system. Liberalism ultimately serves as a mask for capitalism, concealing its exploitative nature behind a facade of individual freedom and democracy.

The concept of property, central to liberalism, is presented as a cornerstone of freedom. However, it ignores the fact that individual property can represent a theft from the community, and its protection justifies state violence. Liberalism’s commitment to freedom of expression is undermined by its legal and constitutional protections of property, which remove the issue of property rights from the realm of political discourse.

Overall, liberalism is a deceptive ideology that masks the exploitative nature of capitalism. It prioritizes the protection of property and economic interests over genuine political freedom and open debate.

excellent further reading on the subject https://orgrad.wordpress.com/articles/liberalism-the-two-faced-tyranny-of-wealth/

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by azanra4@lemmygrad.ml to c/genzedong@lemmygrad.ml

The specific timestamp linked is where he explains China's current international position. The crux is that China supports Russia as a counterbalance to the US, and furthermore, the wars in ukraine and israel are keeping the attention off of China. Furthermore, he mentions that the Chinese understand the history of the 3 kingdoms in their strategy.

That probably isn't a revelation to this audience, but I can't help but indulge in 2 points. The first is a big LMAO since europe is not even in the discussion as a world superpower. The second is how intoxicating the Three Kingdoms analogy is for today's world. In my opinion, Russia would definitely be 蜀国 (shǔguó), since it's the most geographically isolated, the least powerful among the three, and has a strong history of repelling invaders. The question is how 魏国 (wèi guó), the most populous and militarily strongest power in the central geographic position, and 吴国 (wúguó), the maritime economic power, compare to today's China and the US. What do you all think of this analogy and its implications?

Some basic context is this talk is that it takes place at a NATO empire think tank called Asia Society with a former voice of america-pilled korean ambassador and audience being impressively Sinophobic, but George Yeo takes a more balanced approach in his responses and actually has some decent takes (although some responses are really pandering to the statesian audience) if you care to watch the rest.

Need help with tibet (lemmygrad.ml)

I finally managed to convince my lib friend to accept that he may be wrong about tibet (he thinks that the chinese settler colonised tibet), and that I should give him some sources for reading and for him to make up his mind.

However, I don't really know where to start in finding good quality sources that he will trust (he is very distrustful of Chinese sources). Does anybody know any good sources I can use? Our argument revolves around 2 main points

  1. China did not conduct a genocide in tibet
  2. Tibet was a feudal theocratic society before its liberation.

Much appreciated.


Growing up in the west (Europe), I never even once heard about serfdom and what kind of role it played in Tibet, prior to the Chinese Red Army liberation. Never once heard the perspective or stories from former serfs.

This documentary suddenly popped up in my YT feed.

It's quite astonishing thinking about it. How I've only ever been exposed to the "Free Tibet!"-crowd and their arguments, while never actually learning about (or hearing about) the actual material and living conditions of the serf population.

Even though this will clearly be called "CPC propaganda" or whatever, it's really refreshing to get another perspective and some nuance on the history of Tibet.

Great watch with some harrowing stories from former serfs. Really puts things into perspective.



I think we're far from it for now. China still depends on ASML (West) and is nowhere near learning to do EUV for chipmaking.

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