submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by QuazarOmega@lemy.lol to c/programming@programming.dev

I was looking to implement a year column and while researching I stumbled on the YEAR data type which sounded just right by its name, I assumed that it would just be something like an integer that can maybe hold only 4 digits, maybe more if negative?
But then I noticed while actually trying it out that some years I was inputting randomly by hand never went through giving an out of range error, so I went to look at the full details and, sure enough, it's limited to years between 1901 and 2155, just 2155!
In terms of life of an application 2155 is just around the corner, well not that any software has ever lived that long, but you get what I mean in the sense that we want our programs to be as little affected by time within what's reasonable given space constraints.
So what will they do when they get close enough to that year, because you don't even have to be in that year to need it accessible, there could be references that point to the future, maybe for planning of some thing or user selected dates and whatnot; will they change the underlying definition of it as time passes so it's always shifted forward? If that's the approach they'll take, will they just tell everyone who's using this type that their older dates will just not be supported anymore and they need to migrate to a different type? YEAR-OLD? Then YEAR-OLDER? Then YEAR-OLDER-BUT-LIKE-ACTUALLY? Or, that if they plan to stay in business, they should move to SMALLINT?
Or will they take the opposite approach and put out a new YEAR datatype every time the 256 range is expired like YEAR-NEW, YEAR-NEW-1, YEAR-FINAL, YEAR-JK-GUYS-THE-WORLD-HASNT-COLLAPSED, etc.?

So I wonder, what's the point of this data type? It's just so incredibly restricted that I don't see even a hypothetical use.
There exist other questions like this (example) but I think they all don't address this point: has anyone from MariaDB or MySQL or an SQL committee (I don't know if that's a thing) wrote up some document that describes the plan for how this datatype will evolve as time passes? An RFC or anything like that?

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by QuazarOmega@lemy.lol to c/meta@lemy.lol

What is this?

For all you Reddit refugees this is like r/place.
For all who don't know what that is either, this is a public, well, canvas, that will be freely accessible to anyone with a Fediverse account (specifics on the main post, don't worry, Lemmy is included).
You'll be able to place (this is not place!!!) one pixel every certain amount of time on the canvas, either in an empty or an already used spot, overwriting it in the latter case.

Where is this happening?

Right over on https://canvas.fediverse.events/

Announcement post and other related stuff:

When can we participate?

On the 12th July 2024, or 2024-07-12 for all you ISO lovers!

Why should I care?

I don't know, it could be fun and it's not like you have to do it alone, it's actually way more fun to partecipate alongside your fellow fediversers, sooo... monke together strong?
If you have some particular interest and you want it represented, try to look for your people in the right communities, and organize together to make the best fricking piece of pixel art the world has ever seen!!

From here I guess we can invite you to maybe make a little something for our lemy.lol instance's community, claiming a patch of land for ourselves as the (certified) best instance of the Fediverse (full disclosure: am admin of said instance).
If we want to make something, we can probably make a Matrix room to coordinate our efforts!
Otherwise, just go ahead and have fun with your loved <insert niche game/anime/film/any piece of media> and make something out of it!

Lastly here's last year's final canvas to try to win you over (or scare you):
2023 Fediverse Canvas - Final state

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by QuazarOmega@lemy.lol to c/linux4noobs@programming.dev

I saw that there's this nifty xdg-ninja that informs you on what you have installed that doesn't respect the XDG spec, if it has support for it or not and what you can do to make it comply.
But now I was wondering if there was any tool to do the actual work automatically, I believe I have once seen a program that spoofed your home directory to non-complying apps so that you could transparently override their whole app data location to a path you wanted so they can keep functioning, but I can't for the life of me find it again.
It would be double awesome if it did both, i.e. auto-applying any changes to apps that support XDG but need to be configured to enable it and, for those who don't, forcefully spoofing the home directory

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by QuazarOmega@lemy.lol to c/nix@programming.dev

My solution:


  nixFilesInDirectory = directory:
      map (file: "${directory}/${file}")
              (builtins.isList (builtins.match ".+\.nix$" nodeName)) &&
              # checking that it is NOT a directory by seeing
              # if the node name forcefully used as a directory is an invalid path
              (!builtins.pathExists "${directory}/${nodeName}/.")
          (builtins.attrNames (builtins.readDir directory))

  nixFilesInDirectories = directoryList:
        (directory: nixFilesInDirectory directory)
  # ...
in {
  imports = nixFilesInDirectories ([
  # ...

snippet from the full source code: quazar-omega/home-manager-config (L5-L26)


I'm trying out Nix Home Manager and learning its features little by little.
I've been trying to split my app configurations into their own files now and saw that many do the following:

  1. Make a directory containing all the app specific configurations:
└── helix.nix
  1. Make a catch-all file default.nix that selectively imports the files inside:
├── default.nix
└── helix.nix


  imports = [
  1. Import the directory (picking up the default.nix) within the home-manager configuration:
  # some stuff...
  imports = [
 # some other stuff...

I'd like to avoid having to write each and every file I'll create into the imports of default.nix, that kinda defeats the point of separating it if I'll have to specify everything anyway, so is there a way to do so? I haven't found different ways to do this in various Nix discussions.

Example I'm looking at: https://github.com/fufexan/dotfiles/blob/main/home/terminal/default.nix

My own repository: https://codeberg.org/quazar-omega/home-manager-config

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by QuazarOmega@lemy.lol to c/linuxmemes@lemmy.world

We all know who's the real steward of free software and federation

*smiles in anticipation*

legit had to draw the vector logo of Gogs for this, smh

edit: actually... it already exists, oopsie (ᵕ—ᴗ—) smh my head

submitted 2 months ago by QuazarOmega@lemy.lol to c/kde@lemmy.kde.social

I was trying to analyze my phone's storage through Filelight, but it just gets frozen after I select the phone's folder. I didn't find anything in Bugzilla regarding this problem.
Is the protocol supported at all in the app?

[-] QuazarOmega@lemy.lol 117 points 2 months ago

The fuckin Tux tattoo is what sends me, lmao


I've been looking around to find a good keyboard for myself after having used a sad wireless membrane, so, after reading around a bit, as my first foray I decided I wanted a 75% with mechanical brown switches, but I'm finding it really hard to find a good list of keyboards that matches my description because I'd like the layout to be Italian and most, if not all of the ones I found are US instead, I'm not a touch typer so I still care about that.

So is there any comprehensive website that allows you to filter by all the relevant characteristics?

[-] QuazarOmega@lemy.lol 68 points 5 months ago
> 1 == 1
> 1 == '1'
> 1 === '1'

(from node REPL)

Basically it's the real equals sign perfection

[-] QuazarOmega@lemy.lol 119 points 5 months ago

Can you compile sex from source? Ha, didn't think so!

submitted 5 months ago by QuazarOmega@lemy.lol to c/blender@lemmy.world

I have come across a few add-ons that are only available through GitHub, for example. So I'm wondering, is there some system to keep them updated automatically, or do I have to manually redownload them every time?

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by QuazarOmega@lemy.lol to c/fdroid@lemmy.ml

I've mostly been using the official F-droid app, but I've become tired of having to click install every single time there's a new update for an app.
On a new phone I tried starting right away with Neo Store, which I know has that functionality, and in fact I haven't had to confirm installation of updates since on there, but on my old devices where I started with F-droid how can I get that to work?
I believe I read somewhere that for this to work, the apps I want to update automatically need to be installed the first time from within the same app and, even then, only some apps that target Android SDKs from a certain point forward support that, so not all can benefit from this feature.
So how can I make this change, do I have to uninstall every application from F-droid I have and reinstall them from Neo Store or is there an easier way?

Edit: One other thing, even in Neo Store it seems I can't update without confirmation if I manually update only one app at a time and instead it works if I let it update everything by having "Auto-update" enabled

[-] QuazarOmega@lemy.lol 152 points 6 months ago
submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by QuazarOmega@lemy.lol to c/kde@lemmy.kde.social

There's something I don't understand here: why when I do "Open Folder" and then save the session, closing it and opening it again I'm left with nothing?
Instead, if I open some files in subdirectories, the next time I reopen the session I'm just presented with the parent folders of those files, but I really needed to have the topmost directory to be able to access the whole tree structure whenever I reopen the session.

Is it possible? Or do I have to make a project?

[-] QuazarOmega@lemy.lol 161 points 6 months ago

Hmm yes, web dev horrors beyond my comprehension!

[-] QuazarOmega@lemy.lol 171 points 6 months ago

And then everyone praises him for standing up against Google and Apple for crippling/banning third-party app stores, like, cool... but clearly he's just chasing money, not doing it out of the goodness of his heart for us poor gamers

[-] QuazarOmega@lemy.lol 116 points 7 months ago

Fun fact: they're actually the same person, but he sold it and bought it back when she realized the gross mistake she made

[-] QuazarOmega@lemy.lol 88 points 8 months ago

One of the founders of the website, God, is back

Damn, that's some divine providence!
Glad they had a happy ending

submitted 8 months ago by QuazarOmega@lemy.lol to c/fdroid@lemmy.ml

I've been using Quillnote for a long time now and this is a feature I've been sorely missing, are there other apps that can help me do the conversion?

[-] QuazarOmega@lemy.lol 78 points 9 months ago

I wish it were, but it really isn't.
Social media is so everywhere it's even outside of social media.

[-] QuazarOmega@lemy.lol 113 points 9 months ago

Yet another reminder that GitHub is not your friend, but also that borderline projects shouldn't be hosted on anyone else's server other than your own, you'll possess all the repository data, but you'll also be made to shut down anyway if on the clearnet, so I wonder if it's possible to host a forge through Tor/i2p or others.

Still, this is clearly wrong on who sent the DMCA, the apps never host the content, I hope they can get back up.

[-] QuazarOmega@lemy.lol 81 points 9 months ago

Nice to see it's getting on with the times, it feels like they do a lot of heavy lifting behind the scenes, which is impressive, the web is a monster (math functions in CSS???), but user facing features have been kinda left in the dust for a long time now, like the highly requested vertical tabs, or desktop PWAs for instance.
I hope they'll make it more feature rich in the future, I still swear by it, but it's a pity seeing all these other browsers with shiny new features I can't ever use

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by QuazarOmega@lemy.lol to c/kde@lemmy.kde.social

I was thinking, with the recent news of a contributor to GitLab adding support for forge federation, given some time we could see that being enabled in the KDE instance as well, I hope.
So that brings me to a question, if it will be used, will we be able to largely move to reporting and discussing issues on the specific project pages without signing up rather than going to the more generic Bugzilla?
I was really hoping for something like this to happen because I find Bugzilla to be very dispersive and it feels hard to find the issues that you want, unless you remember the syntax needed to filter the results correctly every single time, so much so that I never signed up on there (but maybe I'm just too lazy and I never took the time to actually understand it).
On the other hand I think most other issue trackers integrated in software forges are way more intuitive, as well as having better discoverability, since they're right there by the code base.

If, instead, you won't do it and prefer to keep Bugzilla as the main issue tracking platform, could you tell us why? Is it to keep the developer discussions separate from the user ones so as to keep your GitLab more focused? Or would there be other reasons?

[-] QuazarOmega@lemy.lol 120 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)
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