Angles, I think?

[-] 30 points 2 months ago

She is probably looking at you with that exact smile behind you right now.


This is a great way to travel through space and time, and get to know our planet better in a fun and beautifully designed way.

[-] 142 points 5 months ago

What’s wrong with that.


What could be reasons for my rsync, which is syncing two remote servers through ssh, to slow down over time like this? It keeps happening. How to check what is the bottleneck?

[-] 36 points 7 months ago

Upwards and onwards!


Does anyone else experience this? When I upvote a post and then bookmark it, the upvote disappears. I then have to redo the upvote.

[-] 18 points 8 months ago

Not sure if I would have wanted to "explore the known world". Seems like there was a lot of dying and killing involved.

[-] 19 points 8 months ago

They will be ready when there are no indigenous people left.

[-] 19 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Because the people settle there. The land was "empty", like it was "empty" for the settlers in the Americas. See first synonym below.

settler: noun a person who moves with a group of others to live in a new country or area. "the early European settlers in America were often fleeing from religious persecution"

synonyms: colonist, colonizer, frontiersman, frontierswoman, pioneer, immigrant, newcomer, incomer, homesteader, habitant, redemptioner, squatter

[-] 52 points 8 months ago

Don't use Brave.



Today someone told me that he heard through the grapevine that OpenAI has been selling it's ChatGPT (not sure which version) complete model to one or more key organizations (companies) whose policies simply do not allow it to store any data on external servers. Does anyone here know anything about that?


If banks would not be allowed to lend out more than what they have in terms of deposits, or if they would only be allowed to lend out twice that amount, what would be the most significant difference with the current fractional reserve system (in which the cash-reserve ratio can be as high as 1:9)?

I'm reading that the current system increases the availability of credit, which in turn helps the economy to grow. But if banks would only be allowed to lend out half of what they are currently lending out, wouldn't the supply of money simply go down, and thus the value of money up, effectively leaving banks with the same lending power?

Current system:

  • Total amount of money in circulation: central bank money x money multiplier. Most money is created by commercial banks.

Alternative system:

  • Total amount of money in circulation: central bank money. All money is created by central banks.

I'm not asking what would happen if this would change over night (e.g. sudden decrease of money, monster deflation etc.). I'm asking what is the benefit (and to whom) of doing it the way it is currently done.


The Firefox extension "ChatGPT Summary Assistant" has been quite useful over the last few weeks, but sometimes I would like to be able to specify a question about an article. Do you know if any extension(s) exist(s) for that?


Hi all, sorry if this has been asked/discussed before (I couldn't find any directly overlapping posts):

I have been running the Nextcloud snap now for quite some time, and although things have run quite smoothly, I never really managed to properly back things up.

I make weekly backups of the database, config and data, but it's very hard and time consuming to glue these elements back together. And as they say: when you can't check whether a backup works, it's not really a backup.

I have been experimenting with KVM/qemu lately and things look pretty great. The idea of simply backing up the entire OS that runs Nextcloud (a backup that you can easily deploy/run somewhere else to test if it's working) sounds very attractive.

Reading around, however, tells me that some of you recommend running the Nextcloud docker (instead of a VM).

My questions:

  1. What would be the advantage of running Nextcloud as a docker, instead of within a VM?
  2. What would be a sensible way to have an incremental/differential backup of the VM/Docker?
  3. The storage usage of my Nextcloud instance exceeds 1TB. If I run it within a VM, I will have to connect it to a 2TB SSD. Does it make sense to add the external storage space to the VM? How does that affect the ease of backing the full VM up? Or (as I have read here and there) should I simply put the entire VM on the external SSD?
[-] 30 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I almost don’t dare to say this, but I’ve been running the snap for more than a year and have no complaints.


I recently asked an admittedly controversial question about the veracity of a Mastodon account. Some people understandably took offense, while others were willing to exchange thoughts. It was a conversation of about 13 comments.

I now find the post is gone. I can't find any message in my inbox about any removal. Now I understand that we cannot expect mods to provide elaborate justifications for all their decisions, and I understand that they (and admins?) are the final arbiters (although in this case I think it was a bit drastic, also considering that I there was a diversity of perspectives). But shouldn't participants in a post be notified or something? With an automatic notification? When a post is deleted?

[-] 35 points 11 months ago

Beautifully said.

[-] 15 points 1 year ago

I think these are all great ideas.

Can't we have like an annual mod-admin day? On which we collectively thank our mods and admins? With high quality memes.

[-] 18 points 1 year ago

One of my favourite Lemmy posts so far.

Karma? (
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

I have seen great memes and posts about the fact that Lemmy doesn't have any Karma to pursue. But surely it keeps track of points? At least in Connect I can see mine and those of others?

screenshot from Connect showing my points

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by to c/

Often political leaders at the top need to maintain some diplomatic composure and have the privilege to leave their dirty fights to subordinates. As a result we often don’t realize how much of an asshole these leaders actually are. A good test is to check what they allow (or encourage) their lower ranked allies to get away with.


I would like to be able to use the command line (curl) to get a list of communities I am currently subscribed to.

I know that there is a full-blown API, but it only briefly covers what it is possible with simple a curl request, and most of it seems to refer to an API that runs in javascript (which seems excessively complex for what I want to do?)

A simple curl request like this seems to work,

curl "" | jq

But I wouldn't know how to make it list only communities that I subscribe to? Does anyone know more?

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joined 1 year ago