Well what I meant is that if Gnome was taking so much inspiration from MacOs, being a Gnome user, I wouldn’t have felt lost on MacOS.

I also don’t mind Gnome taking what’s great from every other OS, as it’d clearly be stupid not to if an idea is great.

I also think that people should be more open minded about what others are enjoying. I prefer Linux, but I can also understand that some people just want to have the most compatible OS with everything, aka Windows. Or the best ecosystem, aka Apple.

It is not my choice, and I’m trying to convince people to switch to something else, but just badmouthing their choice when it has objectively some advantages isn’t gonna help.

I’ve only spent a few hours on my wife’s MacBook Pro which was still running Catalina (now Fedora) back in the days, and I didn’t think Gnome and MacOs were so similar.

To be honest I felt a bit lost on MacOs Catalina and felt like everything was difficult compared to Gnome.

But I guess Gnome is taking a lot of inspiration from the MacOs aesthetic, and it’s okay with me because it looks great.

I don’t have a lot of experience with other DE on Linux, but they lack the clean aesthetic of Gnome.

For me the most annoying thing with Windows is the ads and the fact Microsoft is pushing you to buy into their stuff.

I clearly love Linux way more, but I don’t think Windows (10 at least) is as bad as some people make it sound.

Still I’m trying to convince everyone I know to switch to Linux.

[-] Dariusmiles2123@sh.itjust.works 2 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

I would buy it through a kickstarter campaign as I really enjoyed the game even if it wasn’t perfect at all.

submitted 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) by Dariusmiles2123@sh.itjust.works to c/linux@lemmy.ml

Hi everyone!

A few days ago, I had a problem while trying to run KDE and Gnome as DE on Fedora 40. That problem was solved (see crosspost), but now, I can't update Fedora anymore as it says "the transaction did not complete" and I can't install or uninstall anything as it says I don't have space on my disk (which is not true).

Does anyone have an idea what to do?

Edit: apparently dnf clean and dnf clean all solved the problem, so thank you everyone as I was kind of panicking when I thought about all the work involved into having my perfect install again.

publication croisée depuis : https://sh.itjust.works/post/20027102

Hi everyone!

Today I tried to install KDE alongside Gnome to give it a try on Fedora on something else than a virtual machine.

For a reason I can't understand, the terminal couldn't finish the installation of KDE as something failed. Despite all of this, all the KDE apps were installed and Plasma is appearing as an option on the login screen under Gnome and Gnome Classic. Still I couldn't launch KDE plasma and nothing was happening after typing my login.

I took it as a sign that KDE isn't for me, especially because I'm 99% happy with Gnome.

So I removed KDE via the terminal and the remaining apps via the software center. Sadly, there is one app called "Centre de bienvenue" or "Welcome center" from KDE that I can't remove. Nothing is happening when I try removing it.

I tried removing it via the terminal, but when I type "dnf list installed" I can't find it as there are too many packages. Could anyone help me?

I also tried « dnf list installed » with the words « welcome », « bienvenue », « kde » and « plasma ».


Hi everyone!

I love Thunderbird and I'm really happy with it.

It's the flatpak version and, sadly, it doesn't allow me to open attachments. When I click on the file, it brings me to a screen where it proposes to use the system handler to open the file and then nothing happens.

Apparently, this is a common issue related to flatpak and its permissions, so I tried to circumvent it by trying to open documents inside Thunderbird (as I remember Thunderbird being able to open PDFs) but it didn't work as it's only telling me that Firefox is already running.

Does anyone know a workaround as for now it forces me to save documents before being able to open them?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Dariusmiles2123@sh.itjust.works to c/linux@lemmy.ml

Hi everyone!

Today I tried to install KDE alongside Gnome to give it a try on Fedora on something else than a virtual machine.

For a reason I can't understand, the terminal couldn't finish the installation of KDE as something failed. Despite all of this, all the KDE apps were installed and Plasma is appearing as an option on the login screen under Gnome and Gnome Classic. Still I couldn't launch KDE plasma and nothing was happening after typing my login.

I took it as a sign that KDE isn't for me, especially because I'm 99% happy with Gnome.

So I removed KDE via the terminal and the remaining apps via the software center. Sadly, there is one app called "Centre de bienvenue" or "Welcome center" from KDE that I can't remove. Nothing is happening when I try removing it.

I tried removing it via the terminal, but when I type "dnf list installed" I can't find it as there are too many packages. Could anyone help me?

I also tried « dnf list installed » with the words « welcome », « bienvenue », « kde » and « plasma ».


Hi everyone,

Having successfully left windows for Linux (Fedora) a few years ago, I thought I’d the same for my phone.

I have a professional iPhone 13 provided by my employer, but I have an old Samsung GT-I8730 lying around.

Sadly, there is apparently nothing (except stock Android) that I could easily install on it.

So I’m kind of looking for a cheap second hand phone that I could get for my birthday in order to try to have a degoogled and deappleified private phone (I’m now using my work iPhone for everything).

What phone should I buy for max 150.- (around 180$) second hand?

Also what OS should I try to install on it?

To be honest, I’m really a rookie in the phone world and I’m not even sure if I’m looking for a degoogled Android phone (/e/os, lineage, graphene) or a linux phone (Ubuntu touch, KDE mobile).

It would be important for me to be able to daily drive the phone. Listening to music and using my banking apps on it would be important features.

So I’m looking for advice regarding all of this and I’m thankful in advance for your help.

[-] Dariusmiles2123@sh.itjust.works 73 points 1 month ago

I hope everyone keeps putting some pressure on legislators about such things.

We have to remind companies that buying is buying.

I wish there was a petition for my country.

[-] Dariusmiles2123@sh.itjust.works 48 points 2 months ago

Happy to be almost degoogled when I read such things.

If only it was easy to get rid of YouTube..

[-] Dariusmiles2123@sh.itjust.works 51 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

I love what fairphone and some other companies are doing.

Still some of their earphones got a 1/10 reparability on ifixit, so I’d really check how reparaible these ones are.


cross-posted from: https://sh.itjust.works/post/16325109

Automount WebDAV (for kDrive)

Hi everyone,

I’m really enjoying Gnome on Fedora and everything is almost perfectly set up.

One of my only problems with my Webdav access to kdrive (cloud storage) in the file manager.

It works fine but it’s not mounted automatically on startup. On the web, I’ve found that you should go to the disk utility to enable that but it doesn’t appear there.

I’d want to do it on the GUI as I’m not knowledgeable enough to do it in the terminal.

Can anyone help me?


cross-posted from: https://sh.itjust.works/post/16224989

What OS can I install on a Samsung GT-I8730?

Hi everyone!

I have to use an iPhone for work but I have an old Samsung GT-I8730 lying around.

It’s a really old phone but it seems to work well on its base Android OS, so I would want to experiment a bit with it.

I have experience with Linux distributions on my computers, but I’ve never installed an alternative OS. That’s why I’m looking for advices on what I could install on such an old piece of hardware.

I’ve always been interested in /e/os as I think it would still allow me to use my (swiss) banking apps, but I’d be interested in any distribution which might also make it possible.

If no OS would make such a thing possible, I would just want to know what I could install on this device to experience a bit.

Thanks in advance for your help!


Hi everyone!

I have to use an iPhone for work but I have an old Samsung GT-I8730 lying around.

It’s a really old phone but it seems to work well on its base Android OS, so I would want to experiment a bit with it.

I have experience with Linux distributions on my computers, but I’ve never installed an alternative OS. That’s why I’m looking for advices on what I could install on such an old piece of hardware.

I’ve always been interested in /e/os as I think it would still allow me to use my (swiss) banking apps, but I’d be interested in any distribution which might also make it possible.

If no OS would make such a thing possible, I would just want to know what I could install on this device to experience a bit.

Thanks in advance for your help!

[-] Dariusmiles2123@sh.itjust.works 57 points 3 months ago

I’ll probably buy an electric car one day, but I’ll be paying a lot of attention to its repairability. We have to make sure brands understand that « programmed obsolescence » isn’t accepted by everyone!

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by Dariusmiles2123@sh.itjust.works to c/playstation@lemmy.world

Hey everyone!

One of my controllers is really starting to have some stickdrift on the left joystick.

I’ve tried that solution and it seems to temporarily work: https://youtu.be/cU26TxHOkSU?si=ZBj_lerD0m1jomch

If it keeps coming back, I might try this solution which involves opening the controller : https://fr.ifixit.com/Tutoriel/Comment+r%C3%A9parer+une+manette+PlayStation+Dualsense+V1+qui+drifte/168202

Apparently, both of these solutions can’t be considered as long term fixes and I was wondering if someone managed to find a long term solution.

I would hate buying a new controller as I love repairing stuff, but I’d be interested to know if there is a more reliable/repairable controller with all the Dual Sense functionalities out there.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Edit: I’ve opened my controller and cleaned the potentiometer with alcohol and it didn’t work. I’m gonna try again tomorrow and take more time to examine the potential causes.

[-] Dariusmiles2123@sh.itjust.works 109 points 4 months ago

I wasn’t really against Reddit when I left to go on Lemmy. It was mostly to try something which is luving because of its users.

Now I’m glad I did.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by Dariusmiles2123@sh.itjust.works to c/linux@lemmy.ml

I had been waiting for a really long time for that video by the Linux Experiment (really good Linux youtuber) which is also available there: https://tilvids.com/w/bLPmGvqHd69ANdPdhRZXWV .

Sadly, as I'm on Fedora, there are a few differences from Ubuntu (DNF instead of APT) and I can't use the PPA from the github links ( https://github.com/quickemu-project/quickgui/releases?page=1 , https://github.com/quickemu-project/quickemu?tab=readme-ov-file ).

I'm sure it's easy once you get to the beginning of the video but since I can't install quickgui and I'm stuck.

It would be really nice if I could get some help as I'm sure it's fairly easy for someone more knowleadgable than me.

I should just add that I don't even really know what DNF, APT and PPA are. I just know it's related to my problem.

Edit: Basically I’m stuck at the part where you have to use the terminal to install quickgui with these lines

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannick-mauray/quickgui sudo apt update sudo apt install quickgui


Hey everyone!

As described in the title, I have a Surface Go 1 happily running Fedora 39. The only downsides are that the cameras aren't working and that my mouse (Modern Mobile from Microsoft) sometimes doesn't connect or disconnects.

I don't really care about the cameras, as I can use my phone for anything requiring it, but I get really irritated when my Surface Modern mouse doesn't connect for a 30 seconds when I launch the OS and then connects after moving it a few times unsuccesfuly. Also, sometime without any reason or sometimes after 5 minutes of inactivity, it disconnects.

I've used the same mouse on my wife's MacBook Pro running Fedora and I don't remember having these problems.

I was looking at installing the Surface Kernel but I'm not so experienced I would be scared to damage my installation. I have a Clonezilla backup just in case but I'd want to avoid the useless hassle.

Has anyone experienced that issue and do you think the Surface Kernel could help?

[-] Dariusmiles2123@sh.itjust.works 61 points 7 months ago

Well whoever is taking them away should reimburse the clients if they were not made aware that they didn’t own the show but were just renting it.

These behaviors are dangerous and shouldn’t be legal. You press « buy », you own the product, not the right to watch it for a few years.


Hey everyone!

Sadly, I’m forced to have an iPhone because of work. It’s a good device but I hate the philosophy behind it.

Right now I have a windows 10 vm to run iTunes and backup that phone.

It takes around 30gb on my Surface Go 1 with a 128gb ssd.

If I could use bottles or wine to backup my iPhone, it would save me some space and help me fully get rid of windows.

Sadly, last time I tried none of these worked. I think I managed to install iTunes, but then it crashed and sent me some weird messages.

So has anyone managed to backup an iPhone with these programs?


Hi everyone,

I’m really happy to be successfully using Clonezilla which is a great tool (but not easy without a tutorial) to create backups of my Fedora and Lubuntu installations on my 3 computers.

However I have a problem while cloning my 2012 MacBook Pro.

Clonezilla create individual files which are bigger than the 50 gb limit my kDrive (swiss equivalent to Google drive) allows me to have.

With my Surface Go 1 the individual files are way smaller although the overall size of the backup is approximately the same.

How can I change that so that I can put my backups on the cloud?

[-] Dariusmiles2123@sh.itjust.works 64 points 10 months ago

Apple is making really good hardware but we should stop buying it because of what they are doing against repairabality or because of the fact that they trying to capture you in their ecosystem.

[-] Dariusmiles2123@sh.itjust.works 97 points 11 months ago

I ain’t a super Linux user, but I find it crazy that so many governments aren’t scared to put their data in the hands of US corporations like Microsoft of Apple.

I work for the state in Geneva, Switzerland, and my employers gives me an iPhone and forces me to use Windows at work.

I know that developing your own Linux distribution or any other solution is difficult but my country is even using a foreign cloud service instead of a swiss one😨

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