Item degradation.
...sorry, couldn't resist.
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Item degradation.
...sorry, couldn't resist.
There was an incomplete "disguised" buff in the game that gave you glasses and a mustache. It was supposed to make you into another class, but I don't remember if it actually did anything.
Self-replying... I miss a bit the old level gen? Not saying it was better, just very different to play with. Instead of a single loop with branches you had just a random net/maze. But with stuff like the gnolls' cave quests introducing non-linear floors, who knows what Evan will cook up?
Actually, the old logic also tried to generate a loop, but the shape often overlapped and was very chaotic. I've increasingly tried to tweak how chaotic-feeling Shattered's levelgen looks to try and recapture that a bit. I wrote two blog posts about this a while ago, including a little step-through of how vanilla levelgen works:
Thanks for these! I have read the in-game dev commentary on the new level gen, but didn't know you were posting blogs back in 2017.