Hey everyone! Here is the full list of patch notes for the Sharpshooter Assassin update:
- New: 2 new sniper killer types; these killers will shoot victims from windows or rooftop vantage points around the city.
- New: New mixed-use industrial building*
- New: Shanty town building (’the Fathoms’)*
- New: Gated communities (’the Echelons’) are now located at the top of certain buildings. You’ll need to obtain a high social status to access these legally*
- New: 2 new murder weapons (Bat, Katana)*
- New: 11 new player perks unlocked by climbing social credit levels! Including:
- Enforcers will allow you at crime scenes
- Immediate status cure on visiting player apartment
- New: Auto travel feature; turn this on to allow your player to automatically follow a plotted route. While auto travelling opening the case board does not pause the game, allowing you to interact with your case board enroute to your destination.
- New: Added button on the map display to cancel the current route, along with a toggle for auto travel.
- New: Loitering around shops/bars/restaurants without buying anything is now a thing; you will be asked to buy something or move along.
- New: New conversations, documents and v-mails
- New: Steam trading cards, badges and community assets
- City generation times reduced by about 15%
- Improved weather effects
- Some changed/new interface iconography
- Improved ragdoll physics
- Fixed: Improvements to player route calculation
- Fixed: Some errors with AI not prioritising important actions (discovering body etc)
- Fixed: Player-plotted routes will no longer get cancelled if the player is in mid-air
- Fixed: Bug when waking up in hospital while playing on a pre-release city
- Fixed: Ragdolls were in wrong positions upon load of a save game
- Fixed: In rare cases an NPC could end a citizen’s telephone call by speaking to them
- Fixed: Stealing money or some certain objects was resulting in cr0 fines instead of their worth
- Fixed: Player could get stuck upon loading in a game that was saved inside a Sync Chamber
- Fixed: On games started before 36.07, buying a new apartment before the story mode ended would cause furniture and items to not be saved properly
- Fixed: City Hall 4th floor would appear incorrectly filled-in on the map*
- Fixed: No override fog settings when inside some buildings (indoor environment could appear overly foggy)
- Fixed: Wall decals were not presented properly in camera pictures
- Fixed: Increased size of briefcase hitbox to avoid intersecting geometry issues when picking it up.
- Audio: metal impact improvements
- Audio: water cooler audio fix for cancelling drinking
- Audio: new décor rotation and placement sounds
- Audio: bone break sound added
- Audio: minor tweak to body collapse sound
- Audio: passing time now has its own soundscape
- Audio: player punch variance when player punches a wall
- Audio: minor improvements to heavy door knocking on wood
- Audio: smoothed Edge Distance parameter for better blending of city ambiences
- Audio: new gain social credit sound
- Audio: new social level up sound
- Audio: new case solved sound
- Audio: new case unsolved sound
- Audio: improved wooden and metal glass door locked attempt sounds
- Audio: minor improvements to sync disk machine sounds
- Audio: sounds added for the various door types
- Audio: steaming manhole improved roll off and behaviour
- Audio: locker lock/unlock improved timings
- Audio: computer HDD loading sound improved roll off
- Audio: fire barrels less crackly/harsh
- Audio: wooden door close creak now probability based
- Audio: fixed English Starch Kola TV ad cutting off too soon
- Audio: added new TV and PA advert (Old Bourbon)
* Requires a new city generation to appear/spawn/see