Title photo by Johnny Chiou
This nudibranch, photographed at the top of a reef, looks like it's about to take off in flight.
Location: Kenting,Taiwan
Above photo by Marchione Giacomo
An emperor shrimp shows off his symbiotic swagger by taking a ride on the back of this regal-looking nudibranch.
Location: Lembeh Strait, Indonesia
Above photo by Francis Perez
This is a Glaucus atlanticus nudibranch who moves with the current and eat false jellyfish, Physalia physalis
Location: Tenerife, Canary Islands
Above photo by Maurizio Pasi
Photograph of a vibrant nudibranch caring over its ribbon of eggs.
Location: Capo Noli, Italy
Above photo by Lynn Wu
This tiny little nudibranch (Costasiella sp.) looks so cute. White head and black rhinophores; cerata green with reddish tips. It looks like a sheep stopped eating grass.
Location: Bali, Indonesia
Above photo by Martin Klein
A beautiful nudibranch posing for the camera.
Location: Lembeh, Indonesia
Above photo by Irwin Ang
Location: Anilao, Philippines
Above photo by Filip Staes
This Nembrotha nudibranch was searching for food inside a tunicate vase.
Location: Lembeh/Sulawesi, Indonesia
Above photo by Jett Britnell
An Opalescent Nudibranch, sometimes called a Flame Tip nudibranch, laying a ribbon of eggs.
Location: Browning Passage, British Columbia, Canada
Above photo by Lynn Wu
This Chamberlain's Nembrotha nudibranch looks like a bull getting ready to charge at the photographer.
Location: Anilao, Philippines
Above photo by Tom Radio
Nudibranch species: Hermissenda crassicornis
Location: Puget Sound, WA, United States
All images and info from here