I am an actual centrist and not a caricature. These memes constantly portray us as morons who think "both sides are equal" which is honestly just more inflammatory tribalism which makes it easier to villainize everyone who isn't in your in group. Its the ultimate strawman, and its somehow super effect, since any time I try to make this point I'm downvoted into the floor. I can recognize the flaws in both sides and make informed decisions. Just because I don't wave your fucking banner doesn't mean I'm on the other side it means I vote with my brain instead of blind allegiance.
The problem is that stupid hard left - hard right tribalism is destroying the country. We will NEVER see the changes we want in this country if we are too busy villainizing each other, all that does is push us farther left/right.
If you want real change you should be pushing not for your fairy tale extreme right or extreme left America, push for the first step towards cohesion, we need to overhaul our voting system to ranked choice, this would allow us to have more than 2 parties. So we can get actual hard left, left, center, right, hard right candidates. This will allow us to have parties that truly help our country, and actually represent the people in us. It will curtail extreme political ideologies by allowing, what is a significantly small but loud portion of our population to flounder and die on the ends of the spectrum, and get more common sense political parties into power. Sadly this will never happen, because we have become too good at forcing significant portions of the country into fighting each other versus changing the system.
All of this being said its super clear in this specific election there is only 1 side not trying to steer us off of a cliff. But that isn't the point, the point is we need to come together somehow to fix this broken 2 party system before it destroys the country. I don't feel properly represented, do you?