[-] rjc@lemmy.world 8 points 1 month ago

I mean.. not MUCH before

[-] rjc@lemmy.world 10 points 2 months ago

If you deployed with docker composr you just change the image and hit redeploy. Super simple.

[-] rjc@lemmy.world 8 points 8 months ago

Just configure your outbound SMTP to use sendgrid or some other. SMTP provider. I realized this isn't 100% self housing then, but you could still self host the inbound mail. Self housing outbound SMTP just isn't worth it for most people IMHO due to spam lists.

[-] rjc@lemmy.world 21 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Thin clients off eBay. I picked up a Dell Wyse with 8gb memory, 4 cores, 16g emmc, and a 256G M.2 SSD for about $40. Includes the case, power supply, power button, etc. Still uses very little power. Install the x86_64 version of dietPi on that and it's been Rock solid running my docker projects.

Also picked up and HP T620 with similar specs. Haven't started using it yet but I expect similar results.

Much better deal than RPi and for most use cases equal or better able to do the job.

[-] rjc@lemmy.world 28 points 8 months ago

Leprechaun in the hood

[-] rjc@lemmy.world 9 points 9 months ago

Bought.. I'd forgot what I was missing. It's like a warm hug.

[-] rjc@lemmy.world 13 points 9 months ago

Great for daily mindless scrolling.
Still has a ways to go before it's as useful as reddit was for searching for specific information tho.

[-] rjc@lemmy.world 10 points 9 months ago

I switched all my donations to cloudflare. Tried out pork bun and did like it but cloudflare is so good. I do hate in principal that they force you to use their dns, but in practice I want to use them for DNS anyhow. Their ZeroTrust tunnel is pretty slick too.

[-] rjc@lemmy.world 12 points 10 months ago

TIL 8ton of coke is only worth $660

[-] rjc@lemmy.world 14 points 11 months ago

When I put my car in reverse I'm sure to say..

"This really takes me back"

submitted 1 year ago by rjc@lemmy.world to c/dadjokes@lemmy.world

Yeah... Pun in ten dead

[-] rjc@lemmy.world 7 points 1 year ago

Hopefully the algorithm will improve over time - compared to the site which shall not be mentioned, I find that Hot or Active tend to show the same articles for days (despite there being plenty of newer content). Top Day works well the first time I log in for the day, but then that gets stale too. On the front page I feel like I need more like a "Top Hour" option ... so I can see what is new without the "drinking from the fire hose" that is "new".

These are the early days, Im not unhappy with where we are, I just hope this remains a work in progress and improves.

submitted 1 year ago by rjc@lemmy.world to c/jerboa@lemmy.ml

My inbox appears to not refresh. If I switch accounts then go back to the other account it finally shows the new messages.

Perhaps I'm just impatient? Pulling down to refresh doesn't seem to help.

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