Servicio de sectas y fascistización
América Latina & Caribe
[GUARANÍ] Tereg̃uaheporãite / [ES] Bienvenidos / [PT] Bem vindo / [FR] Bienvenue / [NL] Welkom
Everything to do with the USA's own Imperial Backyard. From hispanics to the originary peoples of the americas to the diasporas, South America to Central America, to the Caribbean to North America (yes, we're also there).
Post memes, art, articles, questions, anything you'd like as long as it's about Latin America. Try to tag your posts with the language used, check the tags used above for reference (and don't forget to put some lime and salt to it).
Education secretary? Useless. Throw it to the trash can.
Cult and civilization secretary? Based. Double their budget.
Que demonios es la secretaría de culto y civilización?
La ultima novedad en ñoquilogía fascista