40 draws out of 48 matches :O
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Late reply, but this was such a crazy match. Karpov looked like he was running away with it via four wins in the first nine games, then Kasparov managed to draw 21 of the next 22 games to stave off defeat, before finally winning in game 32.
The draws continued, and the stress of the match seemed to be getting to Karpov. Kasparov won games 47 & 48, and that's when the FIDE president swooped in to abort the match. Really awful interference IMO.
Karpov made the public statement that he wanted to keep going, but behind closed doors, one suspects he was desperate to have the match aborted. Thankfully, that was pretty much the end of his champion days. He later had the gall to say that if he'd won 6-0, Kasparov never would have been champion, which is utterly ridiculous.