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The original was posted on /r/datahoarder by /u/hlcalstatefandom on 2024-10-28 22:08:00+00:00.
On Yelp, ServerPartDeals has a couple of one-star reviews, by folks who said that SPD declined their warranty because they had labeled their hard drives, to add warranty dates/info as a note to themselves. Does anyone have any experience with this? I would understand it if the serial number was defaced, but otherwise it seems excessive, and also not mentioned on their warranty page when I reviewed it just now.
"Order several hard drives with a 3 year warranty on Amazon, had a drive go bad within 1 month. Sent the drive for replacement and they will not honor the warranty because I wrote the warranty information on the label. I have not got a response further. I will never do business with this company."
u/serverpartdeals, or anyone else, can you clarify or share experiences? Thanks!