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Doctors and nurses worried they will have to grow a spine and do things the ways their forbears did in order to help their patients. Precious few of mine, or my wife and kids' doctors, have been interested in doing any more than the bare minimum they could, both to stay out of trouble, and moreso to keep from getting in trouble(mostly, having to expend any effort to ensure insurance paid them).
It sucks that last bit goes with the job description, but this "the system mostly works"-state we've been in for decades was both a fluke and a lie, where healthcare is concerned .
Medical providers job is to make money so that's what they will always do and the policy is written in such way that they have to.
Blind faith in them is misplaced. Treat them like any other merchant.
Scant few providers I have met view the job like that. What you are describing is what MBAs in healthcare THINK is the sole reason for providers existing.
Hey now, America just had an election to decide whether vaccines work and they decided that they don't. Respect democracy!