So if how good of a time it is to switch to Linux is always on an upward trajectory, then wouldn't waiting to switch be the best thing to do?
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care to diagram that sentence for me?
Micro$oft is the best advertsiter for Linux!
Not only that, but also the unnecessary removal of features that some people actually use and might even like..
"internet explorer" -listed as the first one. -Linux fans love their out-dated tech.
Why did they remove WordPad? That just doesn't make any sense to me.
Is there something you need it for that notepad and word can't cover?
Shouldn't need the full blown Word to make a simple text document with different fonts and basic page layout options. WordPad is very lightweight, not like removing it saves any notable storage space.
It's not about storage space, it's about maintaining two programs that do the same thing. With modern computers built for Windows 11 and not minimal spec, ram should be plentiful and cheap to add if needed. Any computer with tpm2 it shouldn't matter with unless the build was bad to begin with.
No, it's all about the $$$
Always has been.
@over_clox has the answer here. They got rid of Wordpad to drive people toward paying for Word.
I'd be more peeved by them gimping the taskbar. I tend to put mine on the side of the screen with the icon size turned down to minimum in Win 10.
I used to put my Taskbar on the left, set every window to be a separate selection in the Taskbar, add my Desktop folder to the taskbar, and then make the taskbar super wide so I could read all the open windows and select what I wanted.
ALL of those options were removed in 11.