Who could have seen this coming... except over 90% of the scientific community for over 40 years.
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The price of our inaction is more than the cost to stop it.
Counterpoint by the powerful capitalists that choose how much action to take through their captured world governments:
The price of our inaction will be externalized and passed onto you poories when we run away to our luxury bunker tombs to sip oak aged bourbons and live out our final years nonsensically blaming your weathered corpses sitting above our heads for what we did.
Yup the age old meme / comic still applies
But as you said in this case it will be the wealthy living out the final years of the human race stocked up on the most luxurious things wondering how we ever got to that point
"If only the poors hadn't destroyed the climate with their... laziness or something... I'd be sailing to my private island right now. I shouldn't have spoiled them with weekends and bathroom access. I was just too good to them so they ended the world to spite me. sigh"
This is what we've been warning you about.
Yes, you people in Central Europe and North America – a few degrees of warming won't threaten your wealth.
But a billion people with the choice of moving north or starving will.
Not a single mention of capitalism, and reformist bs like
For example, out of the crises of the interwar period and the devastation of the second world war came legal protections for human rights, universal welfare systems and decolonisation.
Ignoring the fact that all are on the rise again (E: "all being eroded again" might have been a better way to put it), because capitalism is decaying in to fascism again, and will continue to do so in never ending cycles unless it is abolished, makes this yet another fluff piece that completely misses the point.
Climate change is going to hit poorer countries hardest, but rich countries will feel it through mass migration.
Europe already struggled with refugees from Syria and Africa, and climate migration will be on a whole different scale.
Countries like Denmark just aren’t set up to handle millions of new people without major changes.
It’s going to take global cooperation and some hard decisions to deal with what’s coming.
It’s going to take global cooperation and some hard decisions to deal with what’s coming.
That would disrupt earnings expectations. Sorry, can't have that. Better to do nothing until civilization literally collapses from private profit made climate change.
Think about it this way. If the crops fail, global economies collapse, and billions of people are dying of superstorms, hunger, and dehydration en masse in 20 years, that's still like 80 quarterly profit result calls to run up the owner's ego scores until they have to retreat to their luxury bunkers that double as pharoah tombs! Score!
Let the celebration and enablement of wanton avarice and gluttony by God's chosen 30k or so sociopath families continue!!!
I hate to say it, but the mass influx of climate migrants will cause even harder backlashes and more fascist responses. It's reallll bleak.
Once again, climate “news” is 10 years late.