I imagine most people would see me as the asshole here
No, I just think you should probably search for the underlying issue, cause the cat litter ain't it.
My guess would be undiagnosed autism, but an internet diagnosis is always bullshit anyway.
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I imagine most people would see me as the asshole here
No, I just think you should probably search for the underlying issue, cause the cat litter ain't it.
My guess would be undiagnosed autism, but an internet diagnosis is always bullshit anyway.
You should have just said you didn't care about the details. It's Christmas and you are being a dick. "I give up" and the rant just makes it seem like pure snark. You should learn to communicate without being mean about it.
Doing two separate trips is dumb and when she offered to just do it for you, you were an ass about it. Judging by your other comments, I don't think you are looking for real insight here though.
Why not followup with - 'it doesn't matter the color brand flavor or type of litter, and the pet cat isle, thanks you for grabbing these items for me'.
I don't see why you'd get upset with a logical follow-up clarification question
There is more backstory I recon. Also poster is likely on the spectrum.
I imagine most people would see me as the asshole here
From posting that and fighting against everyone who disagreed with you here it seems like you already knew you messed up and are just posting here seeking for validation.
As much as you and I hate it social interaction isn't purely logical or transectional. It's not like a videogame where if you do this then the other character should do that. It's messy and there are many unspoken rules and it can change from person to person. If you truly want to learn how to be more so sociable and truly reflect if you'd been an asshole then, take some advice from the comments. Learn to say no more gently, learn to see and anticipate what others need, etc.
Just say "I haven't made my whole shopping list yet, so I'll just go later when I'm prepared"
I don't know all about your relationship. Looking at this situation in a vacuum, I think it was kind of her to try to be sure she can buy the right items for you. You didn't match that kindness. You could have, in a more neutral manner, told her that you don't need anything specific and that anything from the section will do.
In such a situation, just lie.
"Need anything from the store?"
"No" (private subtext, I just want to do my own shopping and have some time out of the house)
Later... Once they are home:
"See you in a bit, I need to got the store. Silly me didn't think of a few things I needed when you asked earlier. Bye"
Yes you are. Not caring about those details? You don't deserve your cat.
It's been a month and you still haven't answered my question: "why do you think so?".
Your account has been active since then so it's safe to assume you've chosen not to answer. Your refusal to answer my question means your position cannot withstand scrutiny. I'm sorry but your credibility is destroyed and there's nothing valuable here to salvage so I'm going to have to ban you from my instance.
Yeah, that was a jerk thing to do.
No, that's fine. You're allowed to think those things to yourself. We all do from time to time. Just don't fucking say it out loud, obviously. Can you imagine??
That discussion is way fewer iterations than when I'm over and having it with my parents, and you're spending way more energy on it than needed. In the end it's just a back-and-forth non-sappy silly "I care about you", and reacting as you did is basically replying "Fuck you and your caring". Yeah, you're a jerk, or socially inept.
This is how my responses would be: "Not now, thanks", "Nah, anything I should look at while you're gone?", " Nah", "Nah", " Nah", "Nah, bye".
Also I fail to see how you could not care about the type of litter. Clumping/non-clumping/silicate/pellets are all so different to use. Poor kitty.
I get it. It's a pain when people offer help that makes more mental load or work for you.
Do you know if you're neurodiverse? That sounds like maybe a meltdown. I have people in my life that have only two modes: ok and not ok. The difference can be .000002 over the line into not ok but there isn't a correlation between the amount over the line and the amount of not ok. It's good or bad and nothing is between.
Very much yes. It sounds like you’re going to find something, anything to lash out at her about. If she came home with the wrong ones it would be that.
Edit: but also, she should respect your wishes if you want to do your own shopping
I think your aunt was trying to be helpful and efficient by doing you a favour. And it's okay to not know everything like a store employee when asked questions like "what aisle", just be like "I dunno what aisle" or "look in the pet section for cat stuff".
If you didn't care which type then fine, say as much, if you do care then just send the online listing, write down or print out (if your aunt is computer-challenged) the kind you want. Your aunt is preemptively trying to avoid you being disappointed by getting the wrong litter/snack. It's like 3 minutes of effort for you to save an hour or two of your day.
If you for whatever reason really want to go separately on your own then just insist "I want to go pick out the specific package myself", but leaving things ambiguous while getting upset and hostile over it is good for nobody.