Nice. I’ve been to the cave once. I died very fast though.
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I find if you can beat the guardians down to almost nothing the leave you alone. I go after the big crystal as soon as I can. Also a shocking enchantment is great when you get swarmed down there.
This is based on two runs and I'm the best player so take it with a grain of corpse dust.
Edit: obviously meant I'm NOT the best player. :)
You really probably want to clear things stealthily before attacking the crystal. The quest is designed so that you can avoid waking the guardians until the very end.
Thanks for the tip!
The crystal also can damage the guardians
Congrats! I saw that it updated Monday to the final version but I waited for the official blog post
The new caves quest is much more fun than the original, and having subfloors is a great idea to help expand the game further. Kinda sad the colored triangles (the crystals before the better sprite work) are gone now though :P
The final version usually sits in beta for a day or two as I get all my ducks in a row for full release. It helps make sure there aren't any last minute bugs.
I do appreciate that placeholder art can have some charm, but I'm also very happy with how much I was able to improve the visuals for the crystals before release.
So far I like the update, but for some reason gladiator abilities don't work on the big crystal. Anyone know why this is?
Not to be a buzzkill, but I'm not crazy about some of these changes.
Yes, I've had my share of annoyance in both trying to find the ghost and trying to get him out of my way. But, confining him to one small room? That's just too sad... Please let him roam freely again...
Also, expanding the Huntress's talent to all potions sounded great - until I threw a potion of liquid flame at a barricaded door and the new grass caused the fire to spread out of control. [The expected burn-area was plant-free, and corners in the corridors wouldn't've let me stand any farther away.]
Awesome, thanks!
Kick ass, I was expecting the Caves quest, but damn there are a lot of other changes too. Nice.
Enhancement request:
Can you provide some way to get the blacksmith (or any questgiver, for that matter) to repeat the full instructions?
Maybe something similar to the way you can now Talk to shopkeepers.
Most of the quests aren't particularly complicated at the moment, but it's a fair point that talking to them again should replay some instruction. The Sad Ghost already does this to an extent.
The Sad Ghost quest is good that way. It's partly a matter that the new quest is so new, but a reminder of the quantity required (from the blacksmith & imp) and the target (in the case of the imp) would be really helpful.