The only proper response to a door knock is "come back with a warrant".
Rights are rights for a reason, don't let that shit erode any further.
Discuss anarchist praxis and philosophy. Don't take yourselves too seriously.
Other anarchist comms
The only proper response to a door knock is "come back with a warrant".
Rights are rights for a reason, don't let that shit erode any further.
That is fine while you have the rule of law and independent institutions to enforce those rights. When those institutions are eroded or facing the barrel of a gun then people's rights might as well he written on toilet paper.
You can't make up for a dysfunctional political system with demands for fictional rights.
People from one particular notable country always get the emphasis wrong in my opinion. Perhaps they are all brainwashed. They think the rights uphold their system when in truth it is the system that upholds the rights. It has kept them blind to the reforms needed to breathe life into a system that barely qualifies as a democracy by modern standards.
They think the rights uphold their system when in truth it is the system that upholds the rights.
Totally stealing this.
The only proper response to a door knock is to not open the door.
If the fascist pigs have a warrant, they'll find their own way inside anyway. Otherwise, they can stay the fuck out.
Sorry to disappoint, but
they’ll find their own way inside anyway.
Warrant or not.
Still, there's no point in making it easy for them. The sooner you accept that your rights won't be protected, the sooner they'll disappear entirely. You must act as if your rights are natural laws of the universe, and if enough people do then they may as well be.
You must act as if your rights are natural laws of the universe, and if enough people do then they may as well be.
That's how we get to where we are now.
Rights dictated to you by the state are categorically not universal nor natural, they exist in service of the state and the capitalists who own it, and they can and are withdrawing them as they please.
The entire point of the post is that people who have more privilege need to stand the fuck up for those who have less, not try and find ways out of doing so.
Edit to clarify: giving the cops the pleasure of kicking down your door and arresting, or even shooting you for "resisting" isn't making their job harder, only yours.
I'd also like to take this moment to remind how to handle a police interaction in the USA, in a one minute video described by a few lawyers: STFU Friday!
I grew up in a small town on the border when the border patrol would ask us if we had seen any aliens we would always just look up and say I think I saw one flying around up there
This is the way.
For at least the time being, we have the right to remain silent through the 5th amendment. Providing false information can incriminate you. Providing no information at all cannot (exceptions may be providing personal identification, licenses and registrations, look up your local laws). Know your rights and exercise them.
Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice
The problems is that there are many people who, even when they themselves are generally powerless and under somebody's boot, positively relish the opportunity to feel superior to somebody else by helping press the boot on them.
Sadly, some of the oppressed are only meek or nice out of fear because of where they are in their power structure they'e in and when they get or are given the power to do so without consequences, turn into evil oppressors.
Right. This is a call for people who haven't already made that choice, to make it. Now.
I always forget that not everybody had a Buddhist hippie uncle and aunt doing lessons with them on the weekend.
My cousins and I will randomly say, "What is (Uncle's) number one rule?"
And everyone present will chant a phrase thst would dox me, that boils down to "don't help the police!"
We can all play a part. Mutual aid means using whatever you bring to the table. If you can, think of it like a video game or a tabletop game. I look like I do and made a lifelong practice of learning how to talk to people. Now I have a high diplomacy check (and sense motive.) My boyfriend spent most of his life in the military, and his capacity for violence makes him the barbarian. Together, we are prepared to help in many, many more ways than either of us could ever do alone.
And the bigger your circle, the more situations you're prepared for! If you haven't yet, take an honest assessment of your skills. Figure out how you can most help others. You don't have to be an S rank talker or violencer, you can be bad at the skill you pick! The important thing is to pick the skill, *then work on it. *
Even if you don't have a circle, if you're all alone, you can be preparing yourself to help others who need it. You are valued. You are loved, even if you don't know it, even if it's easy to feel like you're not. And when you eventually find your tribe, or when your tribe is being attacked, having skills to help others and yourself is the best thing you can do.
Why the need to single out white people? The blame goes around to many groups.
With regards to talking to the police follow the advice given in this video named Do Not Talk to the Police.
I watched this video 12 years ago, and again just about every year since.
It's basically the most important video for anyone (especially Americans) to watch and understand.
Fortunately for me, Im a recluse who doesn't talk to anyone where I live
Is this a thing?
Do cops literally come to your door and ask if you know any immigrants?
That’s wild.
they just raided a restaurant I think. though I'm not sure they asked people questions about neighbors I think they just violated the 4th amendment and asked for papers.