About the cultural revolution, yes, horrific and absurd crimes transpired against more or less innocent people, and the angry mobs shouting about reactionary science were generally wrong. If you were to read Chinese sources from the last few decades, they would form a consensus that the cultural revolution was a series of misguided responses to the challenges of industrialization. Mao in particular believed that economic development was a trivial factor in building communism, the primary factor being a protracted class war against bourgeois elements in society. In its own way, it's idealism manifested. People are liberated through the satisfaction of their material needs, not the absence of their foes. A very wide net was cast concerning what counted as "bourgeois," and a lot of people needlessly suffered from the reflexive desire to fight perceived class enemies. If you were to move to China, I'm quite certain you would be able to get your prescriptions filled. It's not the sixties anymore.
"Bourgeois science" is a real thing, however. All sciences reflect certain priorities and worldviews, whether they are effective or not. In fact, the "effectiveness" of a given science is judged through the lens of these priorities, and the question of what priorities are worth considering is ideological. I would stray away from thinking in terms of "is psychology reactionary?" and instead think "what elements of psychology are reactionary? Are there any that aren't?"
More on antispych stuff: people who subscribe to this belief system understand psychiatry as a mechanism by which people's rights are usurped on the basis that the mentally ill or disabled don't know what's good for them, that their judgement has been clouded by the delusions their sick brains induce, and therefore others should make decisions for them. Psychiatric "medicine," in this sense, becomes a mechanism of dehumanization. A person suffering from cancer could refuse treatment, and physicians would respect this. A psychotic who does the same thing has a slim chance of receiving the same grace. Some leftists think this way, others don't. Either way, psychiatric medicine exists in China.