Welcome to NoSafetySmokingFirst!
For images where the text reads correctly left to right, but visual cues (like colouration, vertical proximity, or horizontal separation) lead you to try to read it top to bottom.
This is similar to, but distinct from, the more widely known “DontDeadOpenInside” format. In that case, the text reads correctly top to bottom, but visual cues (like colouration, horizontal proximity, or vertical separation) lead you to try to read it left to right.
The post that started it all:
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- !
- ! (letters arranged in any confusing order)
Whoever made this sign knew what they were doing 100% lol
I’ll give ir a Chance (flared)
I think this must have been a ! situation...
But yet, here we are.
I'll give ya both the upvote
I'll have the hot horse cock with extra tail sauce, please.
Certainly Sir. Please drop your pants and bend over the table, you will be served shortly.
The words "tail sauce" really conjures a mental picture.
Ask not what our sauce, radish or tail sauce can do for you, but what you can do for the hot horse cock.
I think it reads more like "Ask our sauce, radish, or tail sauce 4 hot horse cock."
The sign speaks truth, horse cock is hot. Everyone already knows this, but it bears repeating.
Can I get a phone number? I suddenly am craving Hot... Horse... Co... ck!
Ask 4 it by name!